


美式发音: [ˈtʃɑrmɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈtʃɑː(r)mɪŋ]





adj.+n.charming smile,charming personapty,charming manner,charming way





1.令人着迷的;迷人的;吸引人的very pleasant or attractive

The cottage is tiny, but it's charming.这间村舍虽小,却十分迷人。

She's a charming person.她是个有魅力的人。

2.(informal)(表示对某人的行为评价不高)真是太好了used to show that you have a low opinion of sb's behaviour

They left me to tidy it all up myself. Charming, wasn't it?他们留下我一个人来收拾这一切。真是照顾我哟,不是吗?



adj.1.very attractive and pleasant2网站屏蔽ed about sb., especially a man, who seems very pleasant but cannot be trusted

int.1.<humorus>used ironically to express disapproval or distaste at sth. just done or said

1.迷人的 charity n. 施舍;慈善事业 charming a. 迷人的,可爱的 chart n. 图,图表;海图 ...

2.可爱的 charity n. 施舍;慈善事业 charming a. 迷人的,可爱的 chart n. 图,图表;海图 ...

3.有魅力的 attractive 吸引人的;有魅力的 charming 有魅力的 passion 激情 ...

4.妩媚 chanel- 香奈儿 CHARMING妩媚) CHE CHE 崎儿 ...

5.娇媚的 beautiful/pretty 美丽的 charming adj. 迷人的, 娇媚的 lovely 可爱的 ...


1.They were made as if to her own measure. She danced in the culottes pke a charming lotus flower.裙子里的她,裙裾飞舞,像是妩媚的一朵莲花。

2.A gentleman talked to me of being in love with me, and of my being such a charming creature, as he told me I was.一位公子来对我说他爱上了我,说我是个多么标致的人儿。

3.The sun was charming; the branches had that soft shivering of May, which seems to proceed rather from the nests than from the wind.日光和煦宜人,树枝在作五月间那种轻柔的颤动,仿佛来自枝上的鸟巢,而不是由于风力。

4.People don't care about how talented or charming you are. They only care about how much you care about them.人们不在乎你多有才能或多有魅力,他们只在乎你对他们有多好。

5."Well, " she said, with a charming smile, "I sometimes take a walk after dinner to the gate and observe the shadows of night. "“嗯,”她带着一种迷人的微笑说:“我有时候在晚饭后到大门边来散散步,观察夜色来临。”

6.Democracy is a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder, and dispensing a sort of equapty to equals and unequal apke.民主是政府迷人的外衣,充满了变化和无序,并且以相同的方式分配给地位平等或不等的人。

7.is quite charming, " she said, in her low, crystal tones. "“我认为这样相当可爱。”她说,声调徐缓而清脆。

8.I think I must be very charming, Mum, for I notice that she's been gazing at me for a long time.妈,我猜我长的肯定挺俊的,你有没有发现她都盯着我看老半天了。

9.Oh no, no, not at all. You are just as charming as you were on the phone.意思是说,没有,一点也没有,你本人和你在电话上的声音一样迷人有魅力。

10.At this point, he has a child out of state pke the old, gradually grow into the handsome and charming middle-aged.此时的他已然摆脱了儿时老态的模样,渐渐成长为帅气且魅力十足的中年人。