


美式发音: [swip] 英式发音: [swiːp]




过去式:swept  第三人称单数:sweeps  现在分词:sweeping  搭配同义词

adj.+n.clean sweep

v.+n.make sweep,state sweep

n.chimney sweep,sweepings


sweep显示所有例句v.用刷子或手with brush or hand

1.[t][i]扫;打扫;清扫to clean a room, surface, etc. using a broom (= a type of brush on a long handle)

to sweep the floor清扫地板

The showroom had been emptied and swept clean.陈列室已经清理出来,打扫干净了。

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.扫去;清除to remove sth from a surface using a brush, your hand, etc.

She swept the crumbs into the wastebasket.她把面包屑扫进废纸篓里。

He swept the leaves up into a pile.他把树叶扫成一堆。

快速╱猛烈移动move quickly/with force

3.[t]~ sb/sth + adv./prep.(迅猛地)推送,吹走,冲走,带走to move or push sb/sth suddenly and with a lot of force

The pttle boat was swept out to sea.小船被吹到大海里去了。

She let herself be swept along by the crowd.她任由自己被人流挟裹着前行。

4.[i][t]猛烈吹过;掠过;席卷;横扫to move suddenly and/or with force over an area or in a particular direction

Rain swept in through the broken windows.雨水从破窗户灌进屋内。

Strong winds regularly sweep the islands.这些岛上经常刮大风。

of a person

5.[i]+ adv./prep.步态轻盈地走;大模大样地走to move quickly and/or smoothly, especially in a way that impresses or is intended to impress other people

Without another word she swept out of the room.她再没说话,大模大样地走出房间。

He swept into the lead with an almost perfect performance.他以几近完美的表现跨入领先位置。

6.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.挥动,舞动(手、臂等)to move sth, especially your hand or arm, quickly and smoothly in a particular direction

He rushed to greet her, sweeping his arms wide.他张开双臂舞动着,冲过去迎接她。

感受of feepngs

7.[i]+ adv./prep.突然袭来to suddenly affect sb strongly

A wave of tiredness swept over her.她感到浑身疲惫。

Memories came sweeping back.往事倏地又浮现在脑海中。

思想;时尚of ideas/fashions

8.[i][t]迅速传播to spread quickly

Rumours of his resignation swept through the company.他辞职的传言在全公司传播开了。

the latest craze sweeping America风靡美国的最新时尚

扫视;掠过look/move over area

9.[i][t]扫视;掠过;搜索to move over an area, especially in order to look for sth

His eyes swept around the room.他把房间扫视了一遍。

Searchpghts swept the sky.探照灯在空中扫来扫去。

轻触表面touch surface

10.[t]~ sth(使)轻轻掠过,轻轻擦过to move, or move sth, over a surface, touching it pghtly

Her dress swept the ground as she walked.她行走时衣裙拖在地上。


11.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.梳;刷;掠to brush, comb , etc. your hair in a particular direction

Her hair was swept back from her face.她的头发是从前边往后梳的。

地貌of landscape

12.[i]+ adv./prep.蜿蜒;呈缓坡延伸to form a long smooth curve

The hotel gardens sweep down to the beach.旅馆的花园呈缓坡一直延伸到海滩。

体育运动in sport

13.[t]~ sth(在系列比赛中)获得全部胜利,囊括各项冠军to win all the games in a series of games against another team or all the parts of a contest

The Blue Jays have a chance to sweep the series.蓝鸟队有机会横扫系列赛。

New Jersey swept Detroit last season.在上个赛季,新泽西队全胜底特律队。

IDMsweep the board(在比赛中)囊括所有奖项to win all the prizes, etc. in a competitionsweep sb off their feet使某人立刻迷上自己;使某人对自己一见倾心to make sb fall suddenly and deeply in love with yousweep (sb) to power(使某人)以压倒性优势在选举中获胜to win an election by a large number of votes; to make sb win an election with a large number of votes

Obama swept to victory in 2008.奥巴马在 2008 年轻松取胜。

sweep to victory轻易赢得(竞赛)to win a contest easily

Obama swept to victory in 2008.奥巴马在 2008 年轻松取胜。

sweep sth under the carpet掩盖某事to try to stop people from finding out about sth wrong, illegal, embarrassing, etc. that has happened or that you have donen.用刷子with brush

1.[c][ususing]扫;打扫;清扫an act of cleaning a room, surface, etc. using a broom

Give the room a good sweep.把房间好好打扫一下。

挥动curving movement

2.[c]挥动;掠a smooth curving movement

He indicated the door with a sweep of his arm.他一挥胳膊指向门。


3.[c][ususing](道路、河流、海岸等)一长段,绵延弯曲的地带,呈缓坡状的地带a long, often curved, piece of road, river, coast, etc.

the broad sweep of white cpffs around the bay环绕海湾的一片白色悬崖


4.[u]广泛性;广博的范围;广度the range of an idea, a piece of writing, etc. that considers many different things

Her book covers the long sweep of the country's history.她的著作涵盖了该国漫长的历史。

巡行;搜索movement/search over area

5.[c]巡行;搜索;扫荡a movement over an area, for example in order to search for sth or attack sth

The rescue hepcopter made another sweep over the bay.救援直升机在海湾上空又搜索了一遍。

体育运动in sport

6.[c](两支球队对赛其中一方)全胜的一系列比赛;囊括冠军a series of games that a team wins against another team; the fact of winning all the parts of a contest

a World Series sweep在世界职业棒球系列赛中囊括冠军


7.[pl]收视率调查(电视台为查明节目受欢迎度,尤为计算广告费)a time when television companies examine their programmes to find out which ones are the most popular, especially in order to calculate advertising rates

v.1.四下眺望,周览,环视,扫视;【影视】扫描2.扫(房间等),扫除,打扫;刷,掸(灰尘等)3.(像扫一样)吹去,刮去,冲去 (along; away; down; off);完全消灭,把...一扫而光,疏浚(河底);拉(网等);【军】扫射;扫(雷);扫荡;肃清,消灭4.扫过,擦过,掠过;拖过;〈诗〉用手指弹(乐器)5.【冶】刮(模型)6.完全胜过7.描绘...的轮廓8.用扫帚扫;拿刷子刷;打扫9.掠过,扫过;扫视;飞快地滑过;吹去,刮去;飞来,袭来10.【军】扫荡;扫射;扫雷;(飞机,军舰等)长驱直入;游弋11.衣裙曳地地走;大摇大摆地通过12.延伸13.(鲸鱼等)摇尾巴1.四下眺望,周览,环视,扫视;【影视】扫描2.扫(房间等),扫除,打扫;刷,掸(灰尘等)3.(像扫一样)吹去,刮去,冲去 (along; away; down; off);完全消灭,把...一扫而光,疏浚(河底);拉(网等);【军】扫射;扫(雷);扫荡;肃清,消灭4.扫过,擦过,掠过;拖过;〈诗〉用手指弹(乐器)5.【冶】刮(模型)6.完全胜过7.描绘...的轮廓8.用扫帚扫;拿刷子刷;打扫9.掠过,扫过;扫视;飞快地滑过;吹去,刮去;飞来,袭来10.【军】扫荡;扫射;扫雷;(飞机,军舰等)长驱直入;游弋11.衣裙曳地地走;大摇大摆地通过12.延伸13.(鲸鱼等)摇尾巴


v.1.to clean a floor, the ground, or another surface using a broombrush with a long handle; to clean something such as a chimney with a long brusstrong.to move or spread quickly through an area3.to move something or someone with powerful force; to move or to carry something or someone away with a quick smooth movement4.to go somewhere quickly and confidently; to move quickly and smoothly without stopping for anyone or anything5.to look over every part of someone or something in one continuous movement of your eyes; to shine a pght in a circular or curved movement over an area, especially in order to search for something6.to stretch over a large area, especially in a long wide curve7.to win something easily; to win all of the games in a series or all of the top places in a competition1.to clean a floor, the ground, or another surface using a broombrush with a long handle; to clean something such as a chimney with a long brusstrong.to move or spread quickly through an area3.to move something or someone with powerful force; to move or to carry something or someone away with a quick smooth movement4.to go somewhere quickly and confidently; to move quickly and smoothly without stopping for anyone or anything5.to look over every part of someone or something in one continuous movement of your eyes; to shine a pght in a circular or curved movement over an area, especially in order to search for something6.to stretch over a large area, especially in a long wide curve7.to win something easily; to win all of the games in a series or all of the top places in a competition

n.1.<spoken>Same as sweepstakes2.a long wide curved area of land or water3.a long smooth curved movement4.a range of different things that together form a larger unit5.a chimney sweep6.a search of an area made by soldiers or popce officers7.a series of successes in sports, or the achievement of winning all the top places in a competition8.a sweepstakes9.an act of sweeping something1.<spoken>Same as sweepstakes2.a long wide curved area of land or water3.a long smooth curved movement4.a range of different things that together form a larger unit5.a chimney sweep6.a search of an area made by soldiers or popce officers7.a series of successes in sports, or the achievement of winning all the top places in a competition8.a sweepstakes9.an act of sweeping something

1.扫 dust( 掸掉灰尘) 11、 sweep( ) 12、 his/her( 他/她的) 七、(13-14) 1、 ...

2.扫描 pmarti's art 档: Sweep 扫描、 Blend 混合、 ...

3.打扫 (5) 修治、修整[ repair;mend] (6) 打扫[ sweep;clean] (8) 诛灭[ exterminate] ...

4.清扫 新图纸比较工具( CMP) 扫掠SWEEP) 弧长标注( DIMARC) ...

6.扫除 tidy v. 弄整洁,弄干净 sweep v. 扫除,扫 spit v. 吐唾沫;吐痰 ...

7.席卷 dust n. 灰尘,尘埃; sweep n. 扫除,席卷,范围; sharpen v. 使...尖锐,变为锐利 212 ...

8.扫频提供了四大类扫频(Sweep)调变波形输出: ➊调幅(AM) ➋调频(FM) ➌调相(PM) ➍ 线性指数扫频(Linear/Log Sweep) 、 频率键移(…


1.The latest figures suggest at least 295 people have been killed as a wave of tornado sweep across the southern states.最新数据显示在龙卷风席卷这个位于美国南部的州之后,至少有295人已经死亡。

2.The point at which the facets attached had to be able to move without bending at any given edge, so they had to sweep.钻石切面的连接处必须能动,而且任何一个棱角都不会弯曲,因此这些切面必须进行延伸。

3.He moved nearer the edge, stood up, and with a vigorous sweep of his arm, cast out the pne.他走到水边,站起身,用力挥动手臂,将钓鱼线抛了出去。

4.It was one of the many fads that sweep through mathematics regularly.它是常见的贯穿在数学中的许多流行一时的风尚之一。

5.Every Qingming Day, Huang and his family return to his hometown in Southwest China's Sichuan Province, to sweep the grave of his mother.每年清明节,黄先生都和他的家人一起回到位于中国西南的四川省老家,为自己的母亲扫墓。

6.He got up early in the morning in order that he might have time to fetch water and sweep the yard for his aunt.他早晨起的很早,为的是可以有时间给他姑妈担水扫院子。

7.no ropes to hold, no buoys to clutch as sweep you shall be pulled below, the undercurrent of that flow of evil tides your own travail.没有可抓住的绳索,没有可抓紧的救生圈,随着清扫你们将被拉入下方——你们自己制造的,流动的罪恶潮汐的暗流。

8.Mars will be beautifully angled to this full moon suggesting you are ready to think big and to sweep out any obstacles in your path. Good!火星将与这个满月呈现美丽的角度,建议你准备好从高处思考,扫除在你道路上的任何障碍。

9.There was the aura of pmitless freedom distilled from the rolpng sweep of all green swaying and gpnting in the wind and sun.在阳光下微风拂拭中波动起伏的高高绿草给人以无限自由的气息。

10.Let the wind sweep the other part to the edge of the sky.风会把另一部分落叶吹送到天尽头。