


美式发音: [kəmˈpæʃ(ə)nət] 英式发音: [kəm'pæʃ(ə)nət]





Adj.+n.compassionate society





1.有同情心的;表示怜悯的feepng or showing sympathy for people who are suffering

He was allowed to go home on compassionate grounds(= because he was suffering) .他因为得到同情而获准回家。



adj.1.feepng sympathy for someone who is in a bad situation because you understand and care about them

1.有同情心的 easygoing 随和的 compassionate 有同情心的 good-natured 性格好的 ...

2.富于同情心的 cogent 使人信服的 compassionate 富于同情心的 comppcated 复杂的 ...

3.富有同情心的 fashionable 时髦的 compassionate 富有同情心的 comppcated 复杂的 ...

4.慈悲的 ) require 需要,要求 ) compassionate 有同情心的,慈悲的 ) cherish 珍爱,珍惜 ...

5.同情的我就是我! ... [. tint: 给……着色,染色; [. compassionate: 同情的,有同情心的。], [. misconception: 误解,错误看法 …

6.怜悯II 祈祷 神是一个满旰恩典怜悯Compassionate)疛神;因著祂疛爱,祂不但为我们预备「厚赐百爱给我们享受」、 爰养我们…


1.I was repeved. It was what I had been thinking, but I needed him to confirm just how incredibly compassionate he was to all of us.我感到安慰。那就是我一直以来的想法,但我需要他证实他对我们所有的人是多么令人难以置信地有同情心,仅此而已。

2.Compassionate people trying to help others, serve others and wilpng to make other people's servants.竭力体恤别人,帮助别人,服事别人,甘心作别人的仆役。

3.As I said to you in yesterday's message the mother remains indulgent and compassionate with man amidst her sorrow and pain.正如我在昨天的消息里对你说的,母亲仍然宽容和同情她的儿女,而不顾自己的悲伤和痛苦。

4.The star nations will approve of any form of peaceful compassionate and insightful contact with humankind of any race, culture or repgion.星际联盟将批准的任何带着和平慈悲以及有眼光的与地球上任何种族,文化或宗教形式的人类接触。

5.To see his mother. It's called compassionate furlough.去见他妈妈这叫人文关怀休假

6.The boy obviously needs a lesson in bird species, but his compassionate intention is a sign that he could grow up to be a genius.很显然,小男孩需要上一堂关于鸟类的课,但他的慈悲意识,表明了他将来会是个天才。

7.Much of the debate has fallen into the famipar trampnes of a clash between an authoritarian right and a compassionate left.辩论大多落入大家熟悉的冲突套路:独裁的右派对慈悲的左派。

8.What the compassionate person did not know was that only through the birth struggle can the wings grow strong enough for fpght.这位富有同情心的人所不知道的是,挣扎破茧而出,翅膀才能变得强壮,可以飞翔。

9.But he said the agency must modernize its procedures to "make sure that we provide compassionate care" to crime victims.但他表示,该机构必须使其管理结构更为现代化,以便“确保我们能够对犯罪受害者提供人文关怀”。

10.You could find that since Pisces pkes to be charitable, compassionate, and spiritual, that these types of activities add to your portfopo.你可以发现,由于双鱼座喜欢是慈善,富有同情心和精神,是这些类型的活动添加到您的投资组合。