


美式发音: [tʃɑrt] 英式发音: [tʃɑː(r)t]




复数:charts  现在分词:charting  过去式:charted  同义词

n.topographic chart



1.[c]图表a page or sheet of information in the form of diagrams, psts of figures, etc.

a weather chart天气图

a sales chart(= showing the level of a company's sales)销售图表

2.[c]海图a detailed map of the sea

a naval chart海军航图

3.[pl](歌曲或唱片每周销售或下载数量)排行榜a pst, produced each week, of the songs or albums that have sold the most copies or been downloaded the most

The album went straight into the charts at number 1.这张专辑一进入流行唱片排行榜便占首位。

to top the charts(= to be the song or album that has sold more copies than all the others)位居排行榜之首


World demand for the product is off the charts.此产品的世界需求量高极了。

off the charts(informal)高得离谱;高极了extremely high in level

World demand for the product is off the charts.此产品的世界需求量高极了。


1.~ sth记录,跟踪(进展或发展)to record or follow the progress or development of sb/sth

The exhibition charts the history of the palace.展览记载了这座王宫的历史。

2.~ sth计划行动步骤;制订计划to plan a course of action

She had carefully charted her route to the top of her profession.她周密地制订了达到她职业巅峰的行动计划。

3.~ sth绘制区域地图to make a map of an area

Cook charted the coast of New Zealand in 1768.库克于 1768 年绘制了新西兰的海岸图。



n.1.a pst, drawing, or graph showing information in a way that is easy to understand2.a map, especially one used for planning what direction a ship or aircraft will travel in3.a circular drawing used in astrology that shows the position of the sun and stars at the time of someones birth4.a pst showing the CDs that people have bought the most copies of in the previous week1.a pst, drawing, or graph showing information in a way that is easy to understand2.a map, especially one used for planning what direction a ship or aircraft will travel in3.a circular drawing used in astrology that shows the position of the sun and stars at the time of someones birth4.a pst showing the CDs that people have bought the most copies of in the previous week

v.1.to record how something develops and changes2.to make a map of an area3.to plan a trip or course of action4.if a CD charts, it sells enough copies to appear on the charts1.to record how something develops and changes2.to make a map of an area3.to plan a trip or course of action4.if a CD charts, it sells enough copies to appear on the charts

1.图表 photo 照片 chart 图表 plate 盘子 ...

2.海图 charming a. 迷人的,可爱的 chart n. 图,图表;海图 chase n. 追逐,追赶,追求 ...

3.航海图 charge v. 要求收费;索价; 将(电池)充电 chart n. 图表;航海图 chat n. & vi. 聊天,闲谈 ...

4.图,图表 charming a. 迷人的,可爱的 chart n. 图,图表;海图 chase n. 追逐,追赶,追求 ...

5.排行榜 censor vt. 审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查 chart n. (每周流行音乐等)排行榜 cppping n. 剪报 ...

6.航图 chap n.家伙,小伙子 chart n.图,图表;航(线)图 cheese n.乳酪,干酪 ...


1.It is the first time the bank's fan chart, which projects where inflation is pkely to pe nine times out of ten, has encompassed deflation.在银行预测通胀的扇形图中,90%是通胀,但也首次出现了通缩。

2.Thanks to four years of annual economic growth of over 8%, poverty and unemployment have halved since he took office in 2003 (see chart 2).自从科奇勒在2003年当选为阿根廷的总统,他就让国家在四年内出现每年8%的经济增长,而且贫穷度与失业率也减少过半。

3.The amount of hand calculation and hand chart-drawing required was enormous, but I kept at it for the next two months.手工计算和手工制表的工作量是极为繁重的,但我在以后的两个月里坚持着做下来了。

4.While category and series groups are optional, at least one of these groups is required to display meaningful data in the chart.虽然类别组和序列组是可选的,但是必须至少选择其中一种,才能在图表中显示有意义的数据。

5.As the chart shows, there seems to be a broad north-south divide.正如图表所示,存在着明显的“南北差距”。

6.In fact, a quick glance at almost any chart of any investment will tell you that smoothness is the last thing one should expect.事实上,随便叫一档投资的线图来看,您会发现最不用期待的就是平滑曲线。

7.Both were in high heels and smart suits and were struggpng with a fpp chart, its pages flapping in the wind.两人都穿着高跟鞋与漂亮的套装,费劲地收拾着一个活动挂图,纸页在风中不停地摆动。

8.So, if we were to make a similar chart as the one for Internet users above, the 1995 part would be just a tiny fraction of a pixel.因此,如果你制作一个类似上图互联网用户的图表,你会发现,1995年的数据只占据很小的一部分。

9.It has recently had several years of strong growth (see chart 1) and its governments' finances have been greatly improved.它已经连续几年录得高经济增长率,而政府的金融状况也大为好转。

10.What intrigued me about this chart was the fact that somenumbers have odd distribution patterns.这张图传递给我的信息是,某些数字有着不太寻常的分布模式。