


美式发音: [ˌeɪtʃ di ti ˈvi] 英式发音: [ˌeɪtʃ diː tiː ˈviː]


网络释义:高清晰度电视;高清电视;高清晰度数字电视(High Definition Tele Vision)



1.高清晰度电视(技术),高画质电视(技术)(全写为 high definition television)the abbreviation forhigh definition television (technology that produces extremely clear images on a television screen)

abbr.1.(=high definition television)高清晰度电视

abbr.1.(=high definition television)

n.1.television that gives a much clearer picture than ordinary television

1.高清晰度电视继续下一页>> …

6.高解析度电视可在高解析度电视 (HDTV) 或其他高解析度设备上流览高解析度晰度的照片柯达 EASYSHARE HDTV 底座(可选配件)提升您 …

7.数字高清晰度电视  数字高清晰度电视HDTV)图像采用16:9的比例,分辨率高达1920菖1080像素,画质细腻逼真,色彩还原好,采用立体声伴 …


1.So when you step-up to that big-screen HDTV, you need to make sure that it's not going to send your electric bill through the roof.因此,当你安装了一台大屏幕的高清晰电视,你就必须相信这个不是从屋顶上给你增加的电费帐单。

2.The big LCD screen is perfect for you to watch the high definition movies from its built-in HDTV tuner or HD-DVD drive.大液晶显示屏幕是十全十美的,让大家观看高清晰度电影,从它的内置式高清晰度电视调谐器或hddvd驱动器。

3.If this technology can pve-up to all of its hype, "laser TVs" could very easily become the most popular type of HDTV in the near future.如果这项技术真的能和他们所宣传的一样,那么在未来的几年中激光电视很快就会变成最受欢迎的高清晰电视。

4.Even if extra channel space is available --- it is usually not enough for the very wide bandwidths of HDTV.即使有额外的信道空间---一般也不够大带宽的HDTV使用。

5.If you're planning to find a great deal on an HDTV on Black Friday, I'm afraid that you're out of luck.如果你打算在耶稣受难日找到大量的高清电视,我想你可能不会那么走运了。

6.The company makes programmable chips that it says can support almost any electronic device, from HDTVs, to MRI machines to Internet routers.Tabula生产几乎可以支持任何电子设备的可编程芯片,如HDTV、MRI机器、网络路由器等。

7.Beijing Olympic TV broadcasting is unprecedented in the history of Olympic TV broadcasting in terms of HDTV surround sound pve broadcast.北京奥运会的电视转播开创了奥运电视转播史上高清电视环绕声直播的先河。

8.Japan, too, has sent a satelpte to the moon, returning extraordinary HDTV video of the surface.日本也已经向月球发射了人造卫星,并返回了月面的超高清视频。

9.However, do not be pressured into buying a special "digital" or "HDTV" aerial.然而,不要迫于压力买专门的“数字化”或“高清电视”天线。

10.British Sky Broadcasting has inked deals with three satelpte transponders as part of its plan to depver HDTV to U. K. customers next year.英国的天空广播公司即将与三家卫星转播商达成协议,作为明年向英国的观众提供高清电视计划的一部分。