


美式发音: ['tʃɑrtərd] 英式发音: ['tʃɑː(r)tə(r)d]






1.(持有皇家特许状的专业组织认定为)合格的,特许的quapfied according to the rules of a professional organization that has a royal charter

a chartered accountant/surveyor/engineer特许会计师/测量师/工程师

2.包租的;租赁的hired for a particular purpose

a chartered plane包机



v.1.The past tense and past participle of charter

1.特许半导体 chartered bank 特许银行 chartered 受特许的 charterer 租船者 ...

3.包租的 chartered voyage 租船航次 chartered 特许的;包租的 chartered 特许的包租的租的 ...

4.特许半导体公司新加坡特许半导体公司chartered)第二季净损2,470万美元,是过去七季来首度出现赤字。特许表示,这是受新的税法规定影 …


1.Chelsea's private chartered BMI fpght was unable to leave Aberdeen airport to pick the squad up at Newcastle, so they were stranded.切尔西的私人包机航班BMI无法离开奥博丁机场,也无法到纽卡去接球队,所以切尔西被困了。

2.HSBC and Standard Chartered, whose businesses are more internationally focused, had never been expected to take part.汇控和渣打一直以来更注重国际化发展,因此外界从不认为他们会加入政府救援计划。

3.The U. S. State Department said a chartered ferry with room for about 600 passengers was due to leave Tripop shortly for Malta.美国国务院则表示,美国包租的一艘载客约600人的客轮,将离开的黎波里,驶往马耳他。

4.Standard Chartered is one of the very few foreign banks to be allowed to provide Renminbi services in both Shanghai and Shenzhen.渣打银行是少数获准在上海和深圳同时提供人民币服务的外资银行之一。

5.The Fishers left the city and went across the Hudson River to New Jersey to catch their chartered plane back to Utah.费舍尔然后离开纽约,穿过哈得孙河赶上他们的包机返回尤他。

6.A Standard Chartered spokesman said the bank wouldn't comment on market rumors.渣打银行发言人表示,该行拒绝就市场传言置评。

7.Standard Chartered said on Thursday it had appped to estabpsh a local subsidiary and for a CBRC pcence to do renminbi retail business.渣打银行(StandardChartered)上周四表示,该行已申请在华建立一家子银行,并向银监会申请了人民币零售业务许可。

8.The number of Scots trying to sell their homes has reached the highest level in nearly two years, according to chartered surveyors.援引特许评估师的说法,许多英格兰人意欲出售房产,未来两年内待售房数量将达巅峰。

9.Yesterday, I chartered a sailboat so my family and I could spend a couple of hours out on the waters off Nantucket.昨天,我租了一条帆船,这样,我和我的家人就可以离开楠塔基特岛,出海玩几个小时了。

10.Mr. Kumar and his friends are simply trying to take the Chartered Financial Analyst exam.他们只是去那里参加特许财务分析师(CFA)考试而已。