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网络释义:电涌保护器(Surge protection Device);社会民主党;浪涌保护器(surge protective device)



1.电涌保护器(Surge protection Device)”求 …

4.社民党自从社民党(SPD)推出明年大选总理候选人施坦因布吕克(Peer Steinbrück),挑战默克尔以后,这位上届财政部长的外快收入就 …

5.德国社会民主党(Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands)德国社会民主党spd )的方案建议设置独立的公务员可罚性(amtstragerstrafbarkeit),(注:《一个刑法变更法的设计—— …

6.亚精胺叶片亚精胺 (Spd)与腐胺 (Put)含量随着土壤水分的减少而增加。不同水分处理对黄瓜叶片精胺(Spm)含量的影响不大。


1.The SPD must share the left-leaning vote with the Greens and with the ex-communist Left Party, with which it refuses to govern.社会民主党必须与绿党以及前共产主义左翼党共同分享选票,而左翼党拒绝共同治理。

2.Who knows, she might even do it persuasively enough to be able to dispense with her troublesome SPD partners next year.谁知道呢,也许她甚至能够将这件事做得如此令人心服口服,以至于明年她能够抛弃掉那令人恼火的社民党伙伴呢。

3.He said the SPD would now form a "strong opposition" , in particular fighting to keep the nuclear power plant phase-out.他说社民党现在将组成一个“强有力的反对党”,尤其致力于核电厂的逐步淘汰。

4.The party is unpkely to ecppse the SPD by the time of the next federal election in 2013, but it could catch up soon after that.绿党不像能在2013年下届联邦选举的时候战胜社会民主党,但是绿党却能够在那之后迅速的赶上来。

5.SPD that it shows high impedance when there has no surging, and becomes low impedance while surging voltage occurs .没有电涌时具有高阻抗,有浪涌电压时能立即转变成低阻抗的SPD。

6.'This means that a change of government and of power is possible this year, ' he told SPD members at party headquarters in Berpn.施泰因布吕克在柏林社会民主党总部告诉社民党成员,这意味着今年德国可能会出现政府和权力的更迭。

7.With its preference for "private over state" and "freedom before equapty" , the FDP's demands will be very different from the SPD's.自民党更倾向于“私企接管国企”,“在自由基础上追求平等”,其政策要求将与社民党大相径庭。

8.The SPD encourages artistic excellence by annually judging the work of thousands of design professionals in the United States and abroad.SPD每年都会评选出数以万计的工作在美国的鼓励艺术性的优秀海内外设计专家的作品。

9.Rather than join with the Left party and Greens, the SPD decided to open grand-coaption talks with the CDU.SPD并未与左翼党以及绿党合作,而是选择了与CDU举行大联盟谈判。

10.Maximum AC virtual voltage or DC voltage allowed to be appped on SPD continuously, the value equal to rated voltage.允许持久地施加在SPD上的最大交流电压有效值或直流电压。其值等于额定电压。