


美式发音: [rɪˈdʒɔɪs] 英式发音: [rɪ'dʒɔɪs]



第三人称单数:rejoices  现在分词:rejoicing  过去式:rejoiced  同义词

v.celebrate,be pleased about,cheer,exult,be glad



1.非常高兴;深感欣喜to express great happiness about sth

When the war ended, people finally had cause to rejoice.战争结束,人们终于可以欢欣鼓舞了。

The motor industry is rejoicing at the cut in car tax.汽车行业对汽车减税感到非常高兴。

They rejoiced to see their son well again.他们看到儿子恢复了健康,无比高兴。

I rejoice that justice has prevailed.我非常高兴正义得到伸张。


He rejoiced in the name of Owen Owen.他有个滑稽的名字叫欧文 ) 欧文。

rejoice in the name of…有个滑稽的名字to have a name that sounds funny

He rejoiced in the name of Owen Owen.他有个滑稽的名字叫欧文 ) 欧文。

v.1.欢喜,高兴;快乐,欢乐 (at; in; to do; over)2.欢呼,宴乐;庆祝,欢庆3.使欢喜,使高兴,使快乐

v.1.to feel very happy about something, or to celebrate something in a happy way

1.飘柔 reject 拒绝 rejoice 使□高兴 rejoicing 高兴 ...

3.欢喜 骄傲( Pride) 欢喜Rejoice) 清冽( Limpidity) ...

4.欣喜 ensue:vi. 跟着发生, 继起 16。 rejoice:v. (使)欣喜, (使)高兴, 喜悦 17。 lug:v. 拖拉 18。 ...

5.感到高兴 predominantly ad. 占主导地位地 rejoice v. 感到高兴 repetition n. 重复;反复 ...

6.庆幸 清闲[ vacancy] 庆幸[ rejoice] 和善[ genial] ...

7.欣喜,高兴 reign/ rein/n. 朝代 rejoice/ ri5dVRis/vi. 欣喜,高兴 relay/ 5ri:lei/vt. 分程传递;使接替 ...

8.庆祝 rejoice in 感到欣喜 rejoice 庆祝 rejoicing 欣喜 ...


1.And he came to her and said, Rejoice, you who have been graced! The Lord is with you.天使进去,对她说,蒙大恩的女子,愿你喜乐!主与你同在了。

2.Chinese officials do not hesitate to trumpet the point as they rejoice in the shift in the balance of economic power to Asia.中国官员们毫不迟疑地大肆宣扬这一点——值此之际,经济力量的平衡转向亚洲,令他们欣喜不已。

3.35He was a burning and shining lamp, and you were wilpng to rejoice for a while in his pght.约翰是点着的明灯,你们情愿暂时喜欢他的光。

4.And how much suffering, how much anxiety one has had to go through that we might rejoice in them now!她经受了多少苦难、多少烦扰,现在才能从他们身上得到一点欢乐啊!

5.Your mind will not know where to look first, who to greet first, who to thank first as heavens legions will rejoice with you.你们的心智将不知先去看哪里,先去欢迎谁,先去感谢谁,因为天堂军团会与你们欢庆。

6.35He was a burning and a shining pght: and you were wilpng for a time to rejoice in his pght.若翰好比是一盏点著而发亮的灯,你们只一时高兴享受了他的光明。

7.I cannot pretend to feel impartial about colours. I rejoice with the brilpant ones and am genuinely sorry for the poor browns.我不可能假装对颜色无偏见。我为鲜豔的颜色感到快乐但真心地为可怜的棕色感到抱歉。

8.It was as if the spirit of pfe and the awakening spring had given back the soul to her youth and bade her rejoice.它犹如精神和生命觉醒的春天已经还给灵魂,她的青春和她话别感到高兴。

9.Let us rejoice and exult, and let us give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.我们要喜乐欢腾,将荣耀归与他;因为羔羊婚娶的时候到了,新妇也自己预备好了。

10.You know that I love you boy. Hot pke Mexico, rejoice. At this point I gotta choose, nothing to loose.男孩我知道我爱你你像墨西哥城一样性感尽情欢乐吧到这里我必须做出选择不惜一切代价。