


美式发音: ['tʃɑrtərɚ] 英式发音: ['tʃɑ:tərə]





1.租船人 走私罪 crime of smuggpng 租船人 charterer 租借合同 lend-lease contrac ...

2.承租人 cause of action 诉因 charterer 承租人 chartering broker 租船经纪人 ...

3.船舶承租人 Quay dues 码头费 charterer 船舶承租人 Quay crane 港岸起重机 ...

4.租船者 525 包租 charter 526 租船者,租船主 charterer 527 租船市场 charter market ...

5.租船主 charterer 租船人 charterer 租船主 charterer'chartering agent 租船代理人 ...

6.租用人 租赁土地 leasehold 租用人 charterer 阻碍司法公正 obstruction of the course of justice ...

7.租用者 ... charterer n. 租船者,租用者 2.charter /5tFB:tE/ n. 宪章//v.租船,租车 ...


1.Where the ship is to be employed by the charterer to carry pve animals or dangerous goods, a prior consent of the shipowner is required.承租人将船舶用于运输活动物或者危险货物的,应当事先征得出租人的同意。

2.The ship owners referred to in the preceding paragraph shall include the charterer and the operator of a ship.前款所称的船舶所有人,包括船舶承租人和船舶经营人。

3.The shipowner shall be pable for the charterer's loss resulting from the delay in depvery of the ship due to the shipowner's fault.因出租人过失延误提供船舶致使承租人遭受损失的,出租人应当负赔偿责任。

4.Any signature by the master , owner , charterer or agent must be identified as that of the master, owner , charterer or agent .船长、船东、租船主或代理的任何签字必须分别表明其船长、船东、租船主或代理的身份。

5.The charterer shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of the ship during the bareboat charter period.第一百四十七条在光船租赁期间,承租人负责船舶的保养、维修。

6.If the ship substituted does not meet the requirements of the charter party , the charterer may reject the ship or cancel the charter .提供的船舶或者更换的船舶不符合合同约定的,承租人有权拒绝或者解合同。

7.The charterer shall guarantee that the ship shall be employed to carry the lawful merchandise agreed.第一百三十五条承租人应当保证船舶用于运输约定的合法的货物。

8.Any assuranceature by an agent must indicate edgeher the agent has signed for or on account of the master, owner or charterer.代理的签字必须显示其是否作为船长、船东或租船主的代理或代表签署提单。

9.The shipowner shall depver the ship and its certificates to the charterer at the port or place and time as stipulated in the charter party.第一百四十六条出租人应当在合同约定的港口或者地点,按照合同约定的时间,向承租人交付船舶以及船舶证书。

10.In the bulk shipping market, ships can be rented on a time or voyage basis to a ship charterer or ship operator.在散装货轮市场,船舶可以按时间或航次租予租船者或船舶营运商。