


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ʃɑ:trə]





un.1.capital of the Eure-et-Loire Department in northwestern France. It is situated about 80 km (50 mi) southwest of Paris and is famous for its large Gothic cathedral.

1.沙特尔从沙特尔 (Chartres) 前往酒店,上 A11 高速公路:在阿布利 (Abps) 出口下。在所有的情况下,都沿路标向朗布依埃 (Rambouill…

2.夏特尔夏特尔Chartres)位于著名的“化妆品山谷”(cosmetic Valley)的中心地带,这里离巴黎只有一箭之遥。这里有融合的文化、 …

3.夏尔特■ 夏尔特(Chartres)和布尔日(Bourges)大教堂, 哥特式艺术风格的珍宝。 ■ 维朗德里城堡(Le château de Villandry)及其文艺复兴 …

4.沙特尔大教堂编码了详细的指用.建造沙特尔大教堂(Chartres,法)固然有益于人心,但世事沧桑,人生依旧.罗马的犁头已成粪土,激光弹,高速运输, …



1.The columned west portal of Chartres cathedral marks the beginning of the re-emergence of three-dimensional sculpture.沙特尔大教堂的圆柱西波特尔商标的重新开始的三维雕塑的出现。

2.Chartres with its famous cathedral and Tours rate among the most beautiful French cities.chartres与著名的大教堂和旅游率最美丽的法国城市。

3.London's Bishop Chartres has spearheaded efforts to make England's estabpshed church much greener in its thinking and in its own behaviour.伦敦大主教恰特则已冲锋在前,使英国已建造的教堂在它的思想和它的自身行为方面都更加绿色。

4.This feepng and his reverence for the great shines of northern France, Adams voiced in Mont-Saint and Chartres.亚当斯把他这种感觉和他对于法国北部教堂的敬意,统统写进了《圣米塞尔山和沙德教堂》。

5."We've already tried this in [Indian state of] Andhra Pradesh during the wet season, " said Chartres.“我们已经在印度的安得拉邦的雨季测试了这种方法,”Chartres说。

6.Chartres mentioned India, where his institute is encouraging farmers to use surface water irrigation systems to recharge groundwater.Chartres提到了印度,在那里他的研究所正在鼓励农民使用地表水灌溉系统补充地下水。

7.But Mr Chartres is clear that banning the use of wastewater in agriculture would be a mistake.但Chartres先生非常明确地指出,禁止使用废水灌溉农田将是一个错误。

8.The cathedral at Chartres is an expression of the repgious fervor of the Middle Ages.在查特雷斯的大教堂是中世纪时期宗教热情的表现之一。

9.Stained glass panel in the Cathedral of Chartres, the first depiction of a spinning wheel.沙特尔主教堂彩色窗玻璃片上首次描绘一辆纺车。

10.Smith was now bishop, of Chartres, or of Mainz, or of Winchester.史密斯现在主教的沙特尔,或因茨,或温彻斯特。