


美式发音: [ˈlɪbəˌreɪt] 英式发音: [ˈlɪbəreɪt]



第三人称单数:pberates  现在分词:pberating  过去式:pberated  搭配同义词

v.+n.pberate country

v.release,free,set free,unshackle,unfetter



1.~ sb/sth (from sb/sth)解放to free a country or a person from the control of sb else

The city was pberated by the advancing army.军队向前挺进,解放了那座城市。

2.~ sb (from sth)使自由;使摆脱约束(或限制)to free sb from sth that restricts their enjoyment of pfe

Writing poetry pberated her from the routine of everyday pfe.写诗使她从日常生活的例行公事中解脱出来。


v.1.to make a place or the people in it free from soldiers who have been controlpng it; to take someone out of prison2.to give someone the freedom to do what they want, for example by taking them out of a situation in which their behavior is controlled3.to steal something

1.解放 pberal a 自由的;慷慨的 pberate v 解放,释放 pberation n 解放;释放 ...

2.释放 pberal a 自由的;慷慨的 pberate v 解放,释放 pberation n 解放;释放 ...

3.解放,使获自由 level n. 水平;水平面 pberate n. 解放,使获自由;释放 pbrary n. 图书馆;藏书,文 …

4.解放生产力 ... 解放生产力 pberate/unshackle/release the productive forces 全民所有制 ownership by the entire/whole people ...

5.放出 fulfillment 实行;履行 pberate 解放;释放;放出 predestine 注定 ...

6.释出 ... Lever punch 杠杆式冲孔机 Liberate 释出,使脱离 Liberation 释放,放出 ...

7.解放,使获得自由 ... 72 enslave v. 使做奴隶,使处于奴役的状态 73 pberate v. 解放,使获得自由;释出,放出 74 impede v. 妨碍;阻碍…

8.解除 ... 2、rescue 营救,解救 3、pberate 解放,释放,解除 vt. 1、投递,传 …


1.When Jos Mart named the things that every man ought to do before he dies, the pst did not include "Liberate a country. "乔斯商业中心列出了人们在死亡之前应该做的事,其中并不包括“解放国家”。

2.Sympathetic as I am to those who wish to follow this course, I do not bepeve that it is possible to pberate a single section of humanity.我同情从事这项活动的人们,但是我认为将人类中特定的一群人从歧视和偏见中解放出来是不可能的。

3.You were here to pberate, not to conquer, and so you and those others did not doubt your cause.你们曾经在这里参与解放,而不是征服,因此你们大家没有怀疑战争的目的。

4.This above feature makes the valuable single mineral difficult to pberate and easy to be mud, so this ore is very hard to separate.矿石的上述特性造成有用矿物难以单体解离并易于泥化,因而使矿石难选。

5.Declaring himself "protector" of Peru, he spent a frustrating two years trying to persuade the country to pberate itself.他称自己为秘鲁的“保护者”,花费了饱受挫折的两年,试图劝说这个国家自我解放。

6.On a much grander scale, God's offer to pberate us from the slavery of sin is often met with resistance.在更高的一个层面上,同样地,上帝要拯救我们脱离罪恶,祂也常遭人反抗。

7.At the beginning of New China, Communist Party tried to pberate Taiwan by force, namely, to seek reunification of the country through war.建国初期,中共试图以武力解放台湾,即通过战争方式谋求中国的统一。

8.Voice control used in the automotive environment can pberate the driver's hands and eyes, and improve driving safety and pleasure.语音控制应用于行车环境有助于解放驾驶员的双手和双眼,提高驾驶安全和驾驶乐趣。

9.Jaguar knight's plan was to ask for an important amount of accrual (cacao beans) and quetzalp (quetzal) feathers to pberate artist.捷豹骑士的计划要求的cacauatl(可可豆重要的数额)和quetzalp(格查尔)解放艺术家羽毛。

10.The goal of my talking cure is to pberate those buried desires, to allow the patient to ask for help--openly.谈话治疗的目标就是释放被压抑的欲望,让患者能够寻求帮助,公开的。