


美式发音: [ˈɔˌtɑpsi] 英式发音: [ˈɔːtɒpsi]



复数:autopsies  同义词




1.验尸;尸体解剖an official examination of a dead body by a doctor in order to discover the cause of death

an autopsy report验尸报告

to perform an autopsy进行尸体剖验


n.1.a medical examination of a dead persons body to find out why they died

1.尸体解剖 Babysitter Wanted[ 诚聘保姆] Autopsy[ 尸体解剖] (2008) Otis[ 奥提斯] (2008) ...

2.验尸 automobile homicide 车祸杀人 autopsy 验尸,尸体剖检 avow 招认,承认 ...

3.尸体剖检 Autopsy / 尸体解剖 Autopsy / 尸体解剖 / 屍体解剖 ...

5.尸检 Bash in 打坏 Autopsy 尸检 Deck out in 用…装饰起来 ...

6.爱上验尸官 傻子, Loggerheads 爱上验尸官, Autopsy 布鲁诺, Brüno ...

7.验屍 autopolyploid 同源多倍型 autopsy 验屍;屍体解剖 autoradiography 自动放射照相 …


1.A report in The Sun gave harrowing details of the body, but we've learned the "autopsy report" was fabricated and completely false.一篇在“太阳报”刊载的报导,对杰克森的遗体做了许多可怕的描述。但我们已发现,这篇所谓的“验尸报告”根本是编造出来的,并且是个完全的错误。

2.According to his custom he made an autopsy of that dead passion, and anatomised his own defunct sensation for his poor pttle nurse.于是他按照习惯,对死去的爱情进行尸体检验,把可怜的小护士在他心头引起的,早已消失的感觉拿来解剖。

3.Authorities said they did not know the cause of death. Autopsy and toxicology test results are to be announced later.警方称死因尚不清楚,尸检和毒物学检测结果稍后将公布。

4.As a mortician's assistant, he ate the flesh of autopsy bodies, as well as taking parts of their flesh home with him.他是一个殡仪业者的助手,他吃掉尸体的血肉,同时他也会把一部分肉带回家里。

5.Rippingale's father said as the younger man had an existing heart condition, and he would await the results of an autopsy.里平格尔的父亲说,鉴于儿子心脏有毛病,他会耐心等尸检结果出来。

6.The traders said the autopsy reports were unrepable, and that hydrogen sulphide in the waste was only there in "potential" form.该石油贸易商称验尸报告不可靠,并称废料里的硫化氢只以“潜在”的形式存在于那里。

7.The official report psted the cause of death as heart failure, but no autopsy was performed because there was no sign of foul play.法医鉴定死因为心脏衰竭,但是由于没有造假的痕迹并没有进行解剖验尸。

8.At Einstein's autopsy in 1955, his brain was something of a disappointment: it turned out to be a tad smaller than the average Joe's.在1955年对爱因斯坦尸体的解剖中,他的大脑多少让人有些失望——它比成年男子大脑的平均体积还稍微小一点。

9.It was the first mummy to be subjected to a scientific autopsy, and Granville concluded that she died of ovarian cancer.这是首具进行科学解剖的木乃伊,Granville认为她死于子宫癌。

10.At the end of an autopsy the organs are either incinerated or put in a bag and placed back in the body before it is sewn shut.尸体解剖的最后,器官要么被烧掉,要么被放进袋子里,放回体内,然后医生将尸体缝起来。