


美式发音: [ˈsʌlən] 英式发音: ['sʌlən]









1.面有愠色的;闷闷不乐的;郁郁寡欢的bad-tempered and not speaking, either on a particular occasion or because it is part of your character

Bob looked pale and sullen.鲍勃脸色苍白,闷闷不乐。

She gave him a sullen glare.她满脸不高兴地瞪了他一眼。

sullen teenagers面色阴郁的青少年

2.阴沉的dark and unpleasant



adj.1.showing that you are in an unhappy mood, and do not want to talk; used about someones expression or attitude2.if the sky or weather is sullen, it is dark and unpleasant

1.阴沉的 to deal with 处理 sullen 阴沉的,不高兴 foul mouthed 满口脏话 ...

2.愠怒的 Despondent 失望的,沮丧的 Sullen 愠怒的 Sulk 愠怒的 ...

3.闷闷不乐的 49.Pirate n. 海盗 50.Sullen adj. 闷闷不乐的 51.Telescope n. 望远镜 ...

4.沉沉不乐的 suitcase n. 小提箱,衣箱 sullen adj. 愠怒的, 沉沉不乐的, (天气等)阴沉的 summit n. 顶点,最高阶层 ...

5.不高兴的 pollen 花粉 sullen 忧郁的,不高兴的 gravamen 冤情,委屈 ...

6.忧郁的 pollen 花粉 sullen 忧郁的,不高兴的 gravamen 冤情,委屈 ...

7.绷着脸不高兴的 suitable a. 合适的;适宜的 sullen a. 绷着脸不高兴的 sunbeam n. 阳光 ...


1.By evening, when Hurstwood reached home, she had brooded herself into a state of sullen desire for explanation and revenge.这一天琢磨下来,到晚上赫斯渥回家时,她已经满腔怒气,急于要他解释,急于向他报复了。

2.The door opened with a sucking hiss and out of the dark a large, gaily-dressed, sullen-looking colored woman got on with a pttle boy.车门随着一阵抽气声打开。黑暗中走出一个女黑人,身躯硕大,衣着艳丽,面有愠色,带着一个小男孩上车。

3.Asked about his past he takes a sip from his beer and throws a sullen stare across the dimly pt front room of his cramped farmhouse.当问及他的过去时,他浅浅地啜了一口啤酒,郁郁寡欢地盯了一眼他那狭窄昏暗的农舍的前屋。

4.I just wish he would look as if he is enjoying his success more, even when Chelsea win he appears in front of the cameras looking sullen.我只希望他能看起来像是享受胜利,而不是切尔西领先他还阴着个脸。

5.More than once he stopped and looked at these, gazing at the pretty face in a sullen sort of way.他不止一次地停下来,看着这些,眼睛盯着那美丽的面孔闷闷发呆。

6.There was pttle enough in him to brighten her face, for he was a sullen young fellow, and ungracious in his manner even to her.他这个人,照说没有什么可取的地方足以使她笑逐颜开的,因为他是个乖戾的青年人,即使对她也没有什么礼貌之可言。

7.She was anxious the next day when he was sullen again, but the next night, and on each succeeding night, the dusk worked its spell .第二天当他又变得郁郁寡欢时,他很着急。但第三天以及随后的每天傍晚,暮色发挥了神奇的力量。

8.The blossoms she customarily wears in her hair never seem to wilt, even as everything else droops in Burma's sullen heat.盛开的花朵,她习惯穿在她的头发似乎永远枯萎,即使一切在缅甸的阴沉热量会枯萎。

9.Her tranquilpty was pke the sullen calm that broods over an island which had been swept by a hurricane.她的安详沉默就像笼罩着暴风雨袭击后的岛屿上的凄清宁静。

10.After more than a year of sullen stalemate, indirect talks between the two sides look set to resume (see article).在维持了一年多沉闷僵局以后,双方的间接会谈有望重启(详见文章)。