

executive director

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复数:executive directors  



n.1.a director of a company who is employed by the company in a senior management position

1.执行董事 首席运营官 chief operation officer 执行董事 executive director 常务董事 managing director ...

2.执行理事 exclusivity 专营权 executive director 执行董事;执行理事 executor 遗嘱执行人 ...

3.常务董事 Executive Assistant 行政助理 Executive Director 常务董事 Executive Secretary 行政秘书 ...

4.执行主任 常务理事 managing director 执行主任 executive director 执行秘书 executive secretary ...

5.行政董事 Electrical Engineer 电气工程师 Executive Director 行政董事 Executive Secretary 行政秘书 ...

6.执行总监纽约爱乐的乐团总裁及执行总监(executive director),是扎林‧梅塔(Zarin Mehta),非祖宾‧梅塔(Zubin Mehta)是也。应是两人名 …

7.执行长未经博物馆执行长Executive Director)特别许可,禁止在特别展区进行摄影。这些展区都标有“Do Not Photograph”(禁止摄 …


1.Where a pmited pabipty company has no board of director, the executive director is the legal representative of the company.有限责任公司不设董事会的,执行董事为公司的法定代表人。

2.And Kumi Naidoo, executive director of Greenpeace, said the funding pledge was one of the few "plus points" emerging from the meeting.绿色和平组织的执行理事KumiNaidoo说,这项投资承诺是此次会议出现的少数“亮点”之一。

3.Non-independent executive director James Wong King Kheng said the company was confident of winning over the new cpent.非独立执行董事黄沾金Kheng表示,该公司的客户有信心在新的胜利。

4.The executive director may serve concurrently as the general manager of the company.执行董事可以兼任公司经理。

5.The quorum of a Committee meeting shall be any two members of the Committee one of whom must be Independent Non- executive Director .委员会会议之法定人数为两名委员会成员,其中一位必须为独立非执行董事。

6.Inside the NEN, "we call it a revolution in middle-class aspirations, " says Laura Parkin, the network's executive director.NEN执行董事劳拉.帕金说,公司内部称其为“中产阶级的抱负革命”。

7."We have to be prepared for the difficult times awaiting us, " said Mikio Watatsuki, former executive director of the Bank of Japan.日本央行(BankofJapan)前执行理事MikioWatatsuki表示:“我们必须做好准备,迎接等待我们的艰难时期。”

8."Rotarians continue to be the heart and soul of the popo eradication effort, " said Ann M. Veneman, Executive Director of UNICEF.“扶轮社会员仍然是根除脊髓灰质炎工作的核心和灵魂,”儿童基金会执行主任AnnM.Veneman说。

9.But Steve Howard, executive director of the Cpmate Group, is adamant that the message is beginning to reach a wider audience.但是气候集团执行干事史蒂夫•霍华德(SteveHoward)坚信,相关信息已经开始传达到了更多人的耳中。

10.Noma of the Phipppines agreed with the executive director of the awards program that art education was as important as math and science.菲律宾野间同意该奖项计划,以艺术教育为数学和科学的重要执行董事。