




1.检查约束 check box 复选框 check constraint 检查条件约束 check mark 勾选标志 ...

3.检查限制 时可忽略违接条件,即为, R S 。 Check Constraint检查限制) 均有列级(即只涉及一列)和 pub_id_constraint 为限制名 …

4.检查性约束唯一性约束(unique constraint)、核查约束check constraint)和缺 省约束(default constraint)。

6.约束检查– 约束检查(Check Constraint) 约束检查说明数据插入时所 必须 满足的条件。 System Consulting & Services 融海咨询 37 2009 …


1.Note that the check constraint evaluates whether the XML document is vapdated or not. It does not perform the actual vapdation.注意,检查限制计算是否验证了XML文档,它并不执行实际的验证。

2.The CHECK constraint being added specifies that there must be at least one row in table CheckTbl.添加的CHECK约束指定表CheckTbl必须至少包含一行。

3.If the column does participate in a check constraint, the database server will reject your modification when you try to save your work.如果该列参与了CHECK约束,则当您试图保存工作结果时,数据库服务器将拒绝您所做的修改。

4.A check constraint is a type of constraint which can be put on a table column at the time of the creation of the table.检查约束(checkconstraint)是一类可以在创建表时作用到表列的约束。

5.Contains entries for each view, rule, default, trigger, CHECK constraint, DEFAULT constraint, and stored procedure within the database.包含数据库中每个视图、规则、默认值、触发器、CHECK约束、DEFAULT约束和存储过程的项。

6.You can restrict the values of any column by specifying a CHECK constraint.可以通过指定CHECK约束来限制任何列的值。

7.When you generate data for a column that has a check constraint, the operation fails if data is generated that violates the constraint.为具有CHECK约束的列生成数据时,如果生成的数据违反该约束,则操作将失败。

8.The before trigger and check constraint on a table XML value always ensures that the XML values are vapd as per the specified schema.对一个表XML值应用beforetrigger和检查约束,往往可以确保XML值对于指定模式是有效的。

9.The range of values in each member table is enforced by a CHECK constraint on the partitioning column, and ranges cannot overlap.每个成员表中的值范围通过分区列上的CHECK约束强制执行,并且范围之间不能重叠。

10.A CHECK constraint assigned to a column can ensure that every item in the column meets a particular condition.为列分配CHECK约束可以确保该列中的每一项都满足特定的条件。