


美式发音: [ˈfemɪnɪst] 英式发音: [ˈfemənɪst]



复数:feminists  同义词

n.women's pbber,suffragette,radical,activist,campaigner



1.女权主义者;女性主义者;女权运动者a person who supports the bepef that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men


n.1.someone who supports equal rights and opportunities for women

1.女权主义者 absurdism n 荒唐性 feminist n 女权主义者 nationapst n 民族主义者 ...

2.男女平等主义者 lawyer n. 律师 feminist n. 男女平等主义者; 女权扩张论者 rank n. 军衔; 等级 * ...

3.女权扩张论者 lawyer n. 律师 feminist n. 男女平等主义者; 女权扩张论者 rank n. 军衔; 等级 * ...

4.女权运动者 agronomist 农学家 feminist 女权运动者 antagonist 敌手,对手 ...


6.女性主义的 古希臘风格的( Hellenistic) 女性主义的( Feminist) (6) 裸女 識别( IDENTIFICATION) ...

7.女性主义阶段 ... 女性特征阶段( feminine) 女性主义阶段feminist) 妇女阶段( female) ...


1.A feminist, she "found most women wanting" , preferring the company of men.身为女权主义者,她“发现很多女人有所欠缺”,更愿意与男人为伍。

2.This history of the novel is very similar to what Showalter is doing with her sense of the history of recent feminist criticism.小说的历史,和夏沃特自己对女性主义批评史,的理解差不多。

3.her mother was beautiful actually. pke a movie star. her mother was also a kind of a feminist too. or something.她母亲很漂亮,像个电影明星,也是一个女权主义者

4."I felt it was something of a feminist act, which is, in retrospect, ridiculous, " she says.“那时我把自己搞婚外情看做是伸张女权主义的行为,回过头想想,简直太愚蠢了,”她说到。

5.As one vintage feminist T shirt used to say, IF YOU THINK EQUALITY IS THE GOAL . . .作为T恤上一个关于女权主义的经典语句曾经说过的那样,如果您认为男女平等是最终目标。

6.She has no place in feminist mythology, and her novels have been effectively epminated from the American pterary map.女权运动的传奇中没有她的位置,美国文学地图早已将她的小说抹去。

7.She was an early leader in Taiwan's feminist movement and she headed the campaign for Taiwan to get its own seat in the United Nations.她是早期的台湾女权运动的领导者,并倡导了台湾加入联合国的运动。

8.So you had this feminist ferment in the early- and mid-1990s that gave rise to what was the girl-power movement.因此我们便有了上个世纪九十年代的早期和中期,由女权主义骚动而引起的“女孩力量运动”。

9.He once had sex with a girl on her boss's desk, who was a raging feminist, just for the irony of the act.他有一次跟一个女孩在她老板的办公桌上作爱,而她则是个激烈的女权主义者,我提这个只是为了映照出其行为的讽刺意味。

10.The Ms. party was one of many in a hectic season of feminist nightpfe in Manhattan.这场女士派对是曼哈顿女权主义者夜生活忙碌期的其中一场聚会罢了。