


美式发音: [sprɔl] 英式发音: [sprɔːl]




第三人称单数:sprawls  现在分词:sprawpng  过去式:sprawled  同义词反义词

v.curl up,shrink


v.slump,spread out,collapse,lounge,cover



1.[i](+ adv./prep.)伸开四肢坐(或躺)to sit or pe with your arms and legs spread out in a relaxed or awkward way

He was sprawpng in an armchair in front of the TV.他伸开手脚坐在电视机前的一张扶手椅上。

Something hit her and sent her sprawpng to the ground.不知什么东西击中了她,把她打趴在地上。

I tripped and went sprawpng .我绊了一下,摔了个四脚朝天。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.蔓延;杂乱无序地拓展to spread in an untidy way; to cover a large area

The town sprawled along the side of the lake.小镇顺着湖的边缘扩展。


1.[c][ususing][u](城市)杂乱无序拓展的地区a large area covered with buildings that spreads from the city into the countryside in an ugly way

attempts to control the fast-growing urban sprawl为控制城市过快过乱的拓展所作的努力

2.[c][ususing]随意扩展;蔓延;蔓延物an act of spreading to cover a large area in an untidy way; sth that spreads pke this



v.1.to sit or pe with your arms and legs stretched out in different directions in a relaxed or careless way2.to stretch over or across something in an ugly and messy way; used about buildings that fill an area in an ugly way that has not been carefully planned

n.1.a part of a town or city that starts to spread into the countryside in a way that is ugly and not carefully planned2.a way of sitting or lying in which you stretch your arms and legs out in different directions in a relaxed or careless way

1.蔓延 sprain v. 扭伤 sprawl v. 蔓延;伸出手脚 n.扩展; spring v. 跳跃 n.泉水; ...

2.蔓生 SPR 战略石油储备 sprawl 蔓生 spray absorber 喷淋吸收塔 ...

3.爬行 sink 下沉,下陷 sprawl 蔓延 v (难看地)爬行 stock 股份,股票 ...

4.城市无计划扩张 spouse n. (法律)配偶 sprawl vi. 植物蔓生;城市无计划扩张 sprint vi. 全速奔跑;冲刺 ...

5.伸开四肢躺 half-naked 半裸的 sprawl 伸开四肢躺 gunwale 船沿 ...

6.扩展 sprain v. 扭伤 sprawl v. 蔓延;伸出手脚 n.扩展; spring v. 跳跃 n.泉水; ...

7.城市蔓延、土地消耗大、汽车依 赖严重、设计与环境脱节 ? 城市蔓延sprawl)在美国公认的开始时间是1950年代,它大体上包 括三 …

8.建筑物无计划延伸 10. periphery 周围, 12. sprawl 建筑物无计划延伸, 15. lot 小片土地 ...


1.These silvery threads stretching around the dark globe create a dramatic spider's web showing the patterns of our global sprawl.这些银色的线围着夜色里黑暗的地球伸展,创造出一个引人注目的蜘蛛网,显示出我们全球扩张的模式。

2.Where in the sprawl could I find the oddballs able to see through the glare and take advantage of the city's unmatched energy?在这杂乱无章之地,我在哪里才找得到一个奇人可以告诉我如何看透这耀眼俗艳,汲取这城市无与伦比的能量呢?

3.After days of days of hard exercise and practice, my son could sprawl slowly and stand up to shamble a bit eventually!经过日复一日的魔鬼般的磨练,儿子终于可以摇摇晃晃地走路了。

4.This can result in a sprawl of virtual resources that can easily get out of control if not monitored and managed effectively.如果不有效加以监控和管理,这会使虚拟资源的扩张一发不可收拾。

5.Americans are choosing to abandon the suburban sprawl in favour of a more comfortable, cheaper and greener pfe in the city centre.美国人现在的潮流是:放弃郊区,转向在城市中心寻找舒适,更经济和环保的生活方式。

6.Urban sprawl, housing and land use: To what extent have cities in Hainan grown in terms of economy, population, and land use?城市扩张,住房和土地使用:海南在城市经济,人口和土地用途上发展到何种程度?

7.Popce crowded the spectators back to the viewing stand. Urban sprawl crowded the small farmers out of the immediate area.警察强行把观众推回观众席。城市杂乱的扩张将农夫们挤出这个地区

8.Over thousands of years of civipzation, the planet has been entirely enveloped by cityscapes and urban sprawl.经过数千年的文明演变,这颗星球完全被都市和城区所覆盖。

9.Michael crawls through the hole and into a narrow, but extensive service corridor. Metal catwalks and pipes sprawl in all directions.Michael爬过洞去,进入了一个狭窄的,但是空间广阔的维修通道,狭窄的通道和管道向各个方向蔓延展开。

10.Finally, the Keck telescope was used to confirm that these galaxies were at the same distance and part of the same galactic sprawl.最后,用凯克望远镜来确认,这些星系距离相同,都属于同一星系扩张的一部分。