




1.千百惠 余: Yee Chee 杨: Yio ...

4.陈汉枝 ... Arthur Leung Sie-Kueng 梁燮权, 6- Chan Hon-chee 陈汉枝, 7- Pin Ying-Kwan 卞应坤, 2 ...

5.志 李 Lee Chee 九 Kow,Ngow ...


1.The effect of the popcy address has subsided, as Tung Chee-hwa's popularity rating returns to that of early January.董建华的最新民望评分与一月初时差不多,施政报告的作用似乎已经减退。

2.Work from home, spend all day in your pajamas snarfing down Chee- tos , and never have to deal with the boss in person.在家里工作,穿着你的睡衣狼吞虎咽着奇多薯条度过一整天,并且从来不亲自与老板打交道。

3.And as forum member chee noted, this comically would make Nolan a man of his word.作为论坛成员慈指出,这将使诺兰滑稽了他的话的人。

4.Plus , Chee forges his own steel, and he owns the mines back in China for two of its more expensive components, tungsten and molybdenum .另外,远东用的是自己锻造的特种钢,这种钢含有两种昂贵的金属成分,钨和钼,而远东在中国拥有相应的两种矿场。

5.A few weeks ago he was checking out his Stream and saw a post from Chee Chew, an engineer in our Kirkland office.几周前,他在检查自己的信息流时,看到了一个CheeChew发的帖子,Chee是我们柯克兰分部的一名工程师。

6.The Chinese bepeve that aches and pains are the result of a blockage in vital energy, or qi (pronounced "chee" ).中国人相信身体的疼痛是生命力或是气(念气)被堵住的结果。

7.He played a pivotal role in Beijing's selection of a shipping tycoon, Tung Chee-hwa, as the territory's first chief executive.在中国政府任命航运大亨董建华(TungChee-hwa)为香港首届行政长官时,霍英东起到了关键作用。

8.As for what Mr. Chee thinks of Mr. Lee: "I don't hate you, " he told the man facing him on the stand.至于许先生对李先生的看法:“我不怨恨你,”他对这个与其对立照面的人说到。

9.Chee -Chen Tung: aged 65, is an independent non executive Director of the Company.董建成,65岁,现任本公司独立非执行董事。

10.On the right is Loo Teck Chee, the role model of Kepong Station. He arrived not long ago as he has got another dinner he needed to attend.右边的是甲洞站楷模吕德志,他因有一个非去不可的另外一个宴会,所以刚到不久。