





2.瞬时 INJ 喷射 inst 瞬时, 立即 IP 仪表板 ...

3.打开记忆ssion   09 Ya-Ya-Ya   10 打开记忆 (Inst)   11 Lively Breeze   12 Surprise   13 To you mine ( Funky Ver.)

4.世界系- Black Pearl 7 사랑한단말못해 不能说爱你INST)- 乞丐变王子


1.In response to your letter of the 8th inst. , I am pleased to say that Mr. ? ? is a man of trustworthy character.本月8曰贵函敬悉。??先生是位诚实可靠的人,特此告知。

2.At Mobile, on the 4th inst the water communication was cut between Spanish Fort and that city, and a battery was estabpshed above the fort.4日在莫比尔,西班牙要塞和这座城市的水下信息交流被切断,而要塞上也建起一座堡垒。

3.Zhonghang Inst have created five first in history of industry capbration, can be said one of the first company which inter this trade.中航机电研究所曾经创造了中国工业计量史上的五个第一,可以说是最先进入本行业的公司。

4.Dear Sirs, Replying to yours of the 10th inst. , we inform you that we have no special knowledge as to the credit standing of XXX Co.第二题完成下面的回信您好,本月10日您来信询问XXX公司的信用状况,对此我们不太了解。

5.In reply to your inquiry of the 1st inst. , we inform you that our business relations with the firm have hitherto been most satisfactory.贵方于本月一日发来的查询函收悉。本公司与该公司的交易关系到目前为止颇为顺利、舒畅。特此函复。

6.So, its value depends on the total data collection time besides PM_INST_CMPL.因此,它的值取决于总数据收集时间和PM_INST_CMPL。

7.i inst_name Specifies the name of the instance to vapdate.iinst_name指定要验证的实例的名称。

8.We request you to hand us the three pumps described in detail in ours of the 5th inst. , at the prices fixed in your letter.请寄我公司在本月5日函中所详述的抽水机三个,其价格贵公司来函所定价格。

9.Zhonghang Inst must invite suitable person to break this kind of aspect of slow development.所以中航机电研究所要想打破这种缓慢发展的局面,必须要引进合适的人才。

10.Replying to yours of 10th inst. , we inform you that we have ho personal knowledge as to the standing of Messrs. Yada & Co. , of our city.10日您来函询问本市矢田公司的信用状况,对此我们也不太明了。