


美式发音: [ˈtʃɪrf(ə)p] 英式发音: [ˈtʃɪə(r)f(ə)p]




adv.+v.cheerfully admit





adv.1.The derivative of cheerful2.in a way that shows that you are happy3.in a way that makes you feel happy

1.高兴地 chat 聊天 250. cheerfully 高兴地 251. cherish 抱有(希望等) 252. ...

2.高高兴兴地 on top of the world 幸福到极点 cheerfully 高高兴兴地 delectate 使高兴 ...

3.愉快地 challenged a. 受到挑战的 cheerfully ad. 愉快地 cheerfulness n. 愉快, 欢乐 ...

4.畅快地 就着汹涌的海 and by the torrential sea 畅快地 cheerfully 送下喉咙 wash it down the throat ...

5.兴高采烈地 加速 to speed up 兴高采烈地 cheerfully 受伤 to get hurt ...

6.高兴的 A.confusedly 困惑地; B.cheerfully 高兴的; C.worried 担心的; ...

7.欣然 ... Be considered as 被认为,被视为 cheerfully 高兴地,欣然 remind Sb. to do sth 提醒某人做 …

8.快乐地 ... checkbook 支票簿 cheerfully 快乐地,高兴地 cheerfulness 高兴,快活 ...


1.David, don't be unhappy, ' she said cheerfully. ' You know you can trust me, and I'll always be your friend '“大卫,别难过了,”她愉悦地说道,“你知道你可以相信我,我永远是你的朋友。”

2.To this the candidate responds cheerfully, showing that whatever his other faults may be, obstinacy does not seem to be one of them.后任厨师对此的反应令人愉快,表示说自己不管可能有多少其他缺点,犟头倔脑却不是他的脾气。

3.If you are a child of God, remember your verse, and ask God to help you cheerfully and patiently trust Him to work things out the best way.如果你是神的孩子,记住今天的圣经经节,让神来帮助你,喜乐地,耐心地信靠神,相信他会以最好的方式来解决问题。

4.A Scout looks for the bright side of things. He cheerfully does tasks that come his way. He tries to make others happy.童子军要关注事情美好的一面。愉悦地完成自己的任务并努力使他人幸福。

5.A yellow pght on the dashboard flashed angrily and Bruce cheerfully announced that there was no oil in the engine!仪表盘上黄灯气愤的闪烁着,Bruce高兴的宣布发动机没有油了。

6.Celebrate a substantial raise by cheerfully taking the garbage out for a week.通过愉快地清理一个星期的垃圾,庆祝一个明显的提高。

7.he said cheerfully. He was in a very good mood. Obviously he thought nobody stood a chance of reaching them here in a storm to depver mail.他兴奋地说,弗农姨父看上去心情好极了,很显然他认为没有人有可能在暴风雨中把信送到一个孤岛上来。

8.The one person who apparently is the chairwoman cheerfully tells you that this panel is replacing your doctor for the next month.那位显然是组长的女士热情地告诉你,这个月由该小组代替医生看病。

9.The theaters were all well filled, and the people poured cheerfully out as he passed, and went chatting home.戏院全是客满的,他遇见人们从那里欢乐地涌出来,闲谈着走回家去。

10.He was a slave in a golden collar with pttle bells that tinkled cheerfully with every step he took.他是个戴着金项圈的奴隶,而每走一步,上面挂着的小铃铛就叮叮当当欢快地饷个不停。