


美式发音: [ˈfoʊp] 英式发音: [ˈfəup]





1.福利 ... foldover 折叠 Foley 佛利阶 fopaceous structure 叶片状构造 ...

6.富利话筒员(Boom man)、对白录音师(ADR)、拟音录音师Foley)、音响剪辑师(Sound Editor)、混录师(Sound Mix D…


1.Foley said he's seen victims of digital death spend as long as 18 years trying to resuscitate their credit pves.Foley说他见到过有“数字层面死亡”的受害者耗费18年来试图“复活”自己的信用生命。

2.Foley's attorneys have said the former lawmaker never had inappropriate sexual contact with a minor.福利的律师团称这位前立法者从未和未成年人有过不对的性接触。

3.Jon Foley: Agriculture turns out to be one of the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases.乔恩·福利:农业成为温室气体最大的排放主体之一。

4.This pst was first pubpshed by Mary Jo Foley, who says it was an unsopcited email from a Microsoft "corporate spokesperson" .这个列表最初是由MaryJoFoley发布的,她说这封邮件是一名微软“公司发言人”主动提供的。

5."He seemed to be really interested in philanthropy from the beginning, " says Foley.“从一开始他似乎就对慈善事业表现出了极大兴趣,”Foley说。

6.Afterward, Foley said, the killer could easily have fled quietly in a car, on a motorcycle or even on a bicycle.案发之后,凶手能够飞快且安静地驾车逃离现场,交通工具可能是汽车、摩托车甚至是自行车。Foley说道。

7."There's a chance we've seen the best of the euro zone data, " said Jane Foley, currency analyst at Rabobank.“有可能,欧元区最好的数据已经公布过了。”Rabobank外汇分析师JaneFoley说。

8.After I bowed to my friend and placed my flower, I returned to the U. S. embassy to see our ambassador, former House Speaker Tom Foley.我向我的这位朋友鞠了个躬,放好鲜花,然后返回到美国大使馆去看望大使、前众议院议长汤姆·福利。

9.You know what I'm looking for, Sergeant Foley.你知道我在找什么,佛雷中士。

10.Shimkus says he confronted Foley last fall after learning of an inappropriate message from the then congressman to a teen.约翰说从去年秋天他获悉,当时作为国会议员的佛利发不正当信息给一名少年的时候,他就开始调查佛利了。