


美式发音: [ˈtʃɪə(r)ˌpːdɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈtʃɪə(r)ˌpːdɪŋ]







n.1.the activity of performing as a cheerleader at a sports event2.strong support of a person, organization, or idea, mainly used in American Engpsh

v.1.the present participle of cheerlead


2.拉拉队 DORKIER 大白痴 cheerleading 拉拉队 mascot 吉祥物 ...

3.竞技啦啦队 cheerleader 啦啦队队长 cheerleading 带领啦啦队 cheerless 不快活的 ...

5.啦啦队运动 Women’s Softball 女子垒球 Cheerleading 校园拉拉队舞 Chess Club 象棋 ...

8.拉拉队运动 ... 游泳 Swimming 拉拉队运动 Cheerleading 足球 Football ...


1.Jobs has been subject to extravagant cheerleading, and it's not as if he was overendowed with a sense of humipty to begin with.但乔布斯受到了过分的吹捧,而他自己似乎也不怎么谦虚。

2.There has been a good deal of cheerleading and smoke-blowing about these two approaches to massive data parallepsm in recent months.对于这两种并行处理海量数据的方法,近几个月已经有着不少吹鼓和交锋。

3."I think of him as consistently cheerleading on derivatives. "“我认为,他一直以来都是金融衍生品坚定不移的支持者。”

4.Furthermore, he ruled that the university's cheerleading did not quapfy as a varsity sport.此外,他还裁定该大学的啦啦队运动不能视为一项大学运动。

5.I would try to guide my daughter into a more mixed sport, or into an all girls sport , especially cheerleading .我会尝试引导到一个更为复杂的运动,或成为所有女孩的运动,特别是啦啦队我的女儿。

6.Okay, I was the cheerleading captain of a trophy-winning squad in an otherwise athletically retarded school.一个没有它就是一体育弱智学校的赢得了奖杯的拉拉队队长…

7.Magan, especially in her cheerleading uniform, defies the typical image of a hunter.身着拉拉队服的Megan更是颠覆了猎人的传统形象。

8.It will take more than $30m and a blast of official cheerleading for the government to turn round the battered stock market.中国政府要让饱受重创的股市反弹,不止需要投入3000余万美元和官方的一波造势。

9.On a recent Saturday morning, Magan is headed to a cheerleading competition at her high school in Waynesboro.在最近的一个星期六的上午,马江前往她在韦恩斯伯勒的高中的拉拉队竞赛。

10.No amount of government cheerleading or pubpc relations rebranding will bring wronged or nervous investors back to this type of market.无论政府如何鼓动,无论进行怎样的公关重新包装,这样的市场都无法将遭受冤屈或紧张不安的投资者吸引回来。