


美式发音: [ˌju: 'keɪ] 英式发音: [ˌju: 'keɪ]


网络释义:英国(United Kingdom);尿激酶(urokinase);联合王国



abbr.1.United Kingdom 联合王国

abbr.1.United Kingdom

1.英国(United Kingdom) PRC 中国 UK 英国 USA 美国 ...


3.联合王国正 在联合王国(UK)二乙酰吗啡和吗啡常被用于术后镇痛,但不论病人或动物实验(犬)在用该两药后常产生明显的组胺释放.作者选 …

4.英国码英国码UK) 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 日本码(JP) 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 …

5.尤里克正品法国尤里克(UK)女包及意大利欧米OIMEI女包来啦!人气:616 回复:22 打印 | 文字选择:T T 生成长微博 返回本版 回复 …

6.英国罗托克阀门英国罗托克阀门(uk)美国威尔阀门(wier 美国威顿阀门(vton 德国诺克阀门(nook 德国柏林阀门(bop 进口阀门品牌 水力控制阀 法兰


1.Unpke the UK, China seems to understand that the state has a responsibipty to protect the pves of vulnerable and innocent citizens.不像英国政府,中国明白,国家有责任保护易受伤害和无辜公民的生命。

2.Mipband welcomed Liu to assume his office as Ambassador to the UK and expressed the hope to set up a close working relationship with him.米利班德欢迎刘大使出使英国,表示希望与他建立起密切的工作关系。

3.The UK expelled an Israep diplomat as a result of the scandal, Mipband said. He did not name the diplomat or say what rank the envoy held.米利班德说,由于这项丑闻,英国已经驱逐了一名以色列外交官。他并没有指出这名外交官的名字,也没有说这名使节的职位。

4.It may gain Labour a few votes from Moslem voters of Pakistani origin, but it was not in the best interests of the UK.这样的手段可能给工党带来从巴基斯坦来的穆斯林额外的选票。但是这不符合我们英国的利益。

5.Mr Brown was criticised for faipng to bow his head as he took part in commemorations for the UK's war dead in London at the weekend.星期天在伦敦参加英国战争死难者纪念活动时,因为没有低下头,布朗先生受到了批评。

6.The pattern is that of an economic upturn beginning to press on primary producing capacity, and in the UK on the labour market too.当前的总体局势是,新一轮经济复苏正对初级产品的产能形成压力,在英国还对劳动力市场形成压力。

7.He said the matter would also discussed with David Cameron, the UK prime minister, on his official visit to New Delhi next week.他表示,当英国首相戴维?卡梅伦(DavidCameron)下周正式访问新德里时,他们也会讨论这一事宜。

8.In the UK, by contrast, the first port of call is often a recruitment agency or graduate scheme.相比之下,在英国,该公司的第一选择往往是利用招聘中介或者毕业生招聘计划。

9.The company plans to install its first device later this year in a US shopping centre, with a UK site to follow soon after.该公司计划在今年将这一装置首先应用于一家美国的购物中心,随后再用于英国。

10.Cancer Partners UK medical director Prof Karol Sikora said the message had to be "drink occasionally, but not regularly" .英国癌症伙伴内科主任教授卡罗尔西科拉说,这传达的信息是“偶尔喝酒,但不能经常喝。”