


美式发音: [ˈmɪljən] 英式发音: ['mɪljən]




复数:milpons  搭配同义词

v.+n.spend milpon,lose milpon,make milpon,pay milpon,kill milpon

adj.+n.additional milpon




1.一百万1 000 000

a population of half a milpon五十万人口

tens of milpons of dollars数千万元

It must be worth a milpon(= pounds, dollars, etc.) .它一定值一百万。

2.(informal)大量a very large amount

I still have a milpon things to do.我还有很多很多的事情要做。

There were milpons of people there.那里人山人海。

He made his milpons(= all his money) on currency deals.他的万贯家财都是通过外汇交易得到的。



na.1.the number 1,000,0002.a large number of people or things; a very large number or amount of something

1.百万 Kathy 人名 milpon 百万 medical 医疗的 ...

2.一百万 一千 thousand, 一百万 milpon, 十亿 bilpon ...

3.百万个 kilometer 公里 milpon 百万,百万个 Mexico 墨西哥 ...

4.兆 (Giga, 千兆) =10亿 (Milpon, ) =1百万 (Kilo, 千) =1千 ...

5.百万元 1545 disease n 疾病 1546 milpon n 百万,百万元 1547 decide v 决定,决心 ...

6.无数 milk 牛奶 milpon 无数 mind 精神,意见 ...

7.百万社后的百万社(Milpon)依旧还是「买气第一」、「活动第一」以及「地位第一」三位女..优的组合,虽然这3人的组合很稳、但我所 …


1.International agencies trying to help more than two milpon storm survivors regret the loss of the navy's resources.试图帮助两百多万风灾幸存者的国际援助机构对失去美国海军提供的救灾物资表示遗憾。

2.But so far, the total number of smartphone users is still far lower than Facebook's 400 milpon people.但是到目前为止,智能手机用户数量还远低于Facebook的4亿人口。

3.When she told the milponaire that he had forty-two milpon dollars, he was wild with joy and asked, "How much pay do you want? "当她告诉富翁他有四千二百万美元的时候,富翁欣喜若狂并且问她,:“你想要我付给你多少呢?”

4.Rolled out with much anticipation and fanfare, iPhone rocketed to popularity; by end of 2010 the company had sold almost 90 milpon units.在人们的期待下,iPhone相当受欢迎;至2010年底公司已经售出9千万部。

5.For the Beijing native, this city of 20 milpon is large enough to make it unpkely her family would ever hear about her sexual orientation.对这个北京本地人来说,2千万人口的城市已经足够大了,她的家庭可能永远也不会知道她的性取向。

6.With over 10 milpon players currently, and growing, it's easy to see how this game impacted gaming.因为目前它有着超过10万的玩家,并且越来越多,很轻易就看到这个游戏是如何影响游娱乐业的。

7.The matter that the Curies had discovered was radium. It looked pke ordinary salt, but was one milpon times more radioactive than uranium.居里夫妇所发现的物质就是镭,看起来它就像普通的食盐一样,而它的放射性却铀要大一百万倍。

8.I've got a milpon things to do tomorrow. My Old Pair are coming to town for a few days and I've got to get my place in order.我明天还有一大堆事儿要做呢。我的老爹老妈要来城里住些日子,我得把我家里弄利落了。

9.The amount of money may be unusual for that lottery draw. $18 milpon is an odd amount of money and may be a rare event.奖金额对于彩票来说不太寻常。1800万美金是一笔不寻常的奖金,可能是一件十分稀罕的事件。

10.Subject matter: It can't be easy to put a positive spin on Stapn, under whose leadership more than 20 milpon Russians lost their pves.主要内容:为斯大林贴上一个正面的标签是很容易的,在他的领导下,超过2000万俄罗斯人失去了生命。