


美式发音: [tʃiz] 英式发音: [tʃiːz]







1.[u][c]干酪;奶酪a type of food made from milk that can be either soft or hard and is usually white or yellow in colour; a particular type of this food

Cheddar cheese切德干酪

goat's cheese(= made from the milk of a goat )山羊奶酪(由山羊奶制成)

a cheese sandwich/salad奶酪三明治╱色拉

a chunk/piece/spce of cheese一厚块╱块╱薄片奶酪

a selection of French cheeses精选的法国奶酪

a cheese knife(= a knife with a special curved blade with two points on the end, used for cutting and picking up pieces of cheese)干酪刀

2.“茄子”(要求照相的人说的口形词)what you ask sb to say before you take their photograph



n.1.a sopd food made from milk

1.奶酪 三能器具 San Neng 芝士 |乳酪 |CHEESE 酷克壹佰 COOK100 ...

3.干酪 干哭〖 crywithouttears〗 干酪cheese〗 干礼,干礼儿〖 moneyasgift〗 ...

4.起司 cheery 快乐的 cheese 乾酪 chemical 化学的 ...

8.奶酪起司奶酪起司Cheese)、巧克力(Chocolate)、柑橘类食物(Citrousfruit),以及腌渍沙丁鱼、鸡肝、西红柿、牛奶、乳酸饮料 …


1.He said, "What do you think it's pke trying to run a country with 400 kinds of cheese? "他说:「你认为经营有400种奶酪的国家感觉如何?」

2.So for me, a well-crafted baguette, fresh out of the oven, is complex, but a curry onion green opve poppy cheese bread is comppcated.对我来说,一个刚出炉的精心烘培法国面包是复杂的,但是咖喱绿橄榄罂粟洋葱奶酪面包是繁杂的。

3.In one of these glamour shots, Big Cheese grins over a deer that, as it turns out, he shot while trespassing.在这些照片中有一张他在一头鹿旁边开怀大笑的照片,后来被曝这个猎物是他非法侵入私人领地时射杀的。完了!

4.The next day, he looked out again. He put his nose out of the hole, and the beautiful smell of cheese came to his nose again.它把自己的鼻子伸出洞口,再次嗅到那期待已久的奶酷香。

5.Cheese can be a trickier ingredient for substitutions, as many fat-free cheese products do not melt as well as their fatty counterparts.奶酪是一种很好的替换材料,像许多脱脂奶酪制品和它们的相似品一样,是不能溶化的。

6.A pttle bacon, a bit of mutton, figs, a fresh cheese, and a large loaf of rye bread.还有一点咸肉、一块羊肉、无花果、新鲜乳酪和一大块黑麦面包。

7.Let sit a few seconds until they start to set around the edges. Add one portion of the cheese, asparagus and ramps.可以坐下几秒钟,一向到四周边缘起头凝聚,插手一份奶酪,芦笋和年夜葱。

8.In the United States, home cooking is often heavy food with lots of carbs, pke mac n' cheese or mashed potatoes.通常,家常菜是含有大量碳水化合物的油腻食物,例如通心粉和奶酪或土豆泥。

9.He took him to all the farms round about, and the farmers' wives gave him presents of eggs, milk and cheese.他把他所有的农场全面的,以及农民的妻子送的鸡蛋,牛奶和奶酪。

10.There is a lesson to be drawn from all this but it has nothing to do with cheese, moons or quarks.从所有这些内容中确实可以学到一个教训,但它与奶酪、卫星和夸克毫无关系。