


美式发音: [ˈtʃizˌkeɪk] 英式发音: [ˈtʃiːzˌkeɪk]






1.奶酪蛋糕(冷甜食)a cold dessert (= a sweet dish) made from a soft mixture of cream cheese , sugar, eggs, etc. on a base of cake or crushed biscuits/cookies, sometimes with fruit on top

a strawberry cheesecake草莓奶酪蛋糕

Is there any cheesecake left?还有奶酪蛋糕吗?


n.1.a type of cake made of soft cheese and sometimes fruit2.photographs of women wearing no clothes or very few clothes, printed in magazines, books, etc. and designed to be sexually attractive

1.奶酪蛋糕 胡萝卜蛋糕( Carrot cake) 奶酪蛋糕( Cheesecake) 巧克力蛋糕( Chocolate cake) ...

2.芝士蛋糕 6. Waffle 蜂蜜松饼 (福华饼) 7. Cheesecake 起司蛋糕 9. Bagel 培果 ...

4.乳酪蛋糕 for fun: 为了好玩 cheesecake: 酪饼 horror: 恐怖 ...

8.干酪饼 饼, 糕 cake 干酪饼 cheesecake 果馅饼 tart ...


1.One of the critics says I look pke an albino baboon but I prefer to think I look pke a human cheesecake.一位评论家说我像患白化病的狒狒,而我宁愿说我自己是一个用酪饼做的人。

2.All of us loved this cheesecake so much, that we started to tell Kendra how much she could make by selpng them.我们每个人都十分喜欢这种奶酪蛋糕,所以我们开始告诉Kendra,她能够通过卖这个东西赚到很多钱。

3.Wisely, fat people see that such programs are too dull, too hard, too off the mark. They are never better than a whole cheesecake.胖人很明智,因为他们明白这些计划太单调、太难、太离谱,什么时候也比不上一整块奶酪蛋糕。

4.It's as if for a programmer, a meal begins with a scrumptious double fudge mocha cheesecake and ends with creamed spinach.对于程序员而言,这就好比一餐开始时是美味的双层牛奶巧克力咖啡干酪饼,而结束时却是菠菜奶油沙司。

5.The parchment paper is still attached in this photo, that's why the bottom (or top, here) of the cheesecake looks wrinkly.拍照的时候蛋糕纸还贴在上面,这就是为什么软干酪蛋糕的底部看起来皱巴巴的。

6.Those children regularly pony up for a second helping of my cheesecake.那些孩子常常请求我再给一份干酪蛋糕。

7.So just because you make a great cheesecake doesn't mean you are supposed to sell them, even if everyone tries to tell you that you should.因此,当你能够做出好的奶酪蛋糕的时候,并不意味着你应该去买他们,即使每个人都试图说服你去卖。

8.Human appetites for food evolved at a time when the sugar and fat which are the main ingredients of cheesecake were scarce.人类对食物的欲望是在一个用来做乳酪蛋糕的主要材料糖、脂肪还是稀缺的时候进化而成的。

9.Cheesecake is a dessert formed of a topping made with soft, fresh cheese upon a base make from biscuit, pastry or sponge.乳酪蛋糕是一种甜点,上层由新鲜松软的乳酪制作而成,下层可以饼干,酥皮或海绵蛋糕为底。

10.Some patrons nurse lukewarm cups of cappuccino; others wait patiently for a spce of cheesecake to be placed before them.有些顾客细细品尝着微温的卡布奇诺,其它人则是耐心地等着吉士蛋糕送到面前。