




1.籼稻命名,食用水稻主要分为日本稻(japonica)及印度稻indica)两个亚种,前者为台湾多数人食用的蓬莱米,后者则为分布 …

4.印度型稻 Cannabis L. 大麻属 C. indica 印度大麻 C. ruderaps 地大麻 ...

6.籼稻亚种基因组中心的于军和11个中国研究机构的同事们测出了籼稻亚种(indica)的基因组序列,该品种是中国和亚太地区其他国家的 …


1.Later this fall the company plans to release the raw sequence data of the Cannabis indica genome as well as a full genome annotation.该公司计划在今年秋天的晚些时候公布这次大麻基因组测序的原始数据,以及完整的基因组注释。

2.By July, Indica rice prices, the staple for the majority of the population, were about the same level than a year ago.截至七月,籼米价格,主食为多数的人口,大约相同的水平比去年同期水平。

3.Among wild rodents, population of R. lose a reduced yearly, but that of Bandicota indica increased yearly.野外生境黄毛鼠的数量在逐年减少,但板齿鼠的数量在逐年增加。

4.Rice breeders aimed at an integration of desirable characters of both japonica and indica rice types into a single variety.水稻育种家的目标是培育综合粳型和籼型稻的理想性状于一体的品种。

5.Features: leather shoes do feel soft, not good-looking appearance! Indica system at the end of the durable, soft anti-aging is not easy!特点:真皮做的鞋手感柔软,模样不是好看!牛筋制的底耐用、防滑软不容易老化!

6.A parabopc correlation between the indica-japonica differentiation of parents and heterosis of hybrid rice was detected by RAPD markers.结果表明,亲本籼粳差异与产量杂种优势存在抛物线的关系。

7.However, the tissue culture in most of indica rice varieties is still difficult, and genotype is a major obstacle.但是作为主要栽培品种,籼稻的组织培养和转基因仍然存在一定困难。

8.However, research on heterotic groups in indica rice is scarce compared with that in maize.与玉米相比,水稻杂种优势群的研究相对薄弱。

9.In addition, the photosynthetic physiology of A. indica decreased in the dry season, because drought damaged the photosynthetic system.在旱季时,印楝的光合生理明显下降,其主要原因是叶片的光合系统受到明显的破坏。

10.Moreover, conventional breeding is ultimately required to transfer the ferritin gene from japonica to high-yielding indica rice varieties.而且,最终还需要传统育种手段把铁蛋白基因从粳稻中转入最高产的籼稻品种中。