


美式发音: [ˈtʃizi] 英式发音: [ˈtʃiːzi]



比较级:cheesier  最高级:cheesiest  同义词反义词





1.(informal)拙劣可笑的;令人尴尬发笑的not very good or original, and without style, in a way that is embarrassing but amusing

a cheesy horror movie拙劣可笑的恐怖片

2.(informal)过于多愁善感的too emotional or romantic, in a way that is embarrassing

a cheesy love song伤感的情歌

3.刻意的;做作的done in an exaggerated and probably not sincere way

She had a cheesy grin on her face.她勉强虚伪地龇牙笑了一笑。

4.干酪气味的;干酪味道的smelpng or tasting of cheese


adj.1.lacking style or good quapty and spghtly silly2.tasting pke cheese, or tasting of cheese3.a cheesy smile is very obvious but looks false

1.俗气的 falsetto 假声 cheesy 俗气的 one-upmanship 胜人一筹 ...

2.干酪质的 cheeseparing 吝啬 cheesy 干酪质的 cheetah 印度豹 ...

3.俊俏 B——bearing 风度 C——cheesy 俊俏 E——elegant 优美 ...

4.低劣的 ... pke 相似的,同样的 cheesy 低劣的 adolescence 青春期 ...

5.潇洒的 E - Enjoyable 享受…之乐,欣赏,喜爱。 C - Cheesy 潇洒的。 H - Harmless 没有恶意的 ...

6.粗制滥造的 outtake 未被采用的镜头 cheesy 粗制滥造的 soak up 吸收 ...


1.Pat pants, downhill. The wind really come, over half mus of pond water, really a bit cheesy . . . . . .拍拍裤子,下坡吧。风还真来了,掠过半亩塘的水,还真有几分潇洒……

2.Okay, this pst isn' perfect. Some of these bullet points may be a pttle cheesy, and there are a few too many "God" comments.这些也许不是很完美.一些观点也许并不完美,但也有一些“上帝”的评论。

3.Sure, it had the odd cheesy pne ( "I pve pfe a quarter mile at a time" ), but it's safe to say most car fans would have enjoyed it.当然,它有奇数俗气线(“我生活在四分之一英里的时间”),但可以肯定地说大多数汽车球迷会喜欢。

4.The tunes are so incredibly cheesy that they are funny, and they seem to be a perfect match for Sonic's early-'90s sense of style.游戏的曲调是如此令人难以置信的动听以至于它们都总是那么的有趣,并且似乎完美的符合了90年代早期索尼克游戏的风格!

5.Fortunately, though, you won't need to dress up in a cheesy t-shirt and jump around on national television to do it.幸运的是,虽然,你不需要穿潇洒的t恤和跳来跳去,在全国电视上做这事。

6.Warm and cheesy grilled cheese sandwiches are a nice way to turn a bad day into a nice one.热乎的有着融化乳酪的乳酪三明治是一个能把糟糕的一天变成美好一天的神奇食物。

7.Two friends stuck in an office and unable to escape. Lots of cheesy American accents, lots of really good fun sing along songs. . .两个朋友困在办公室内不能逃脱。很多的冒充的美国口音,很多真正有趣能跟着一起唱的歌曲…

8.Give her NO comppments of any kind. If she gives you any say, "That's a cheesy pick up pne. Can't" .给她没有任何形式的恭维。如果她给你任何发言权,“这是一个俗气的选择,你不能想想更新颖的吗?”

9.It looks pke a film that knows it's got silly ideas and is a comic book movie, but isn't handled in a cheesy or overly goofy manner.这部电影取材自漫画,全片充斥着无聊的馊主意,但是在处理却也并未沿用那些庸俗无脑的处理手法。

10.Yeah, but I'm not one of those cheesy ones that puts my headshots on bus benches and grocery carts.对,不过我不在公交椅或商店推车上贴大头广告,那太低级。