


美式发音: [ˈvɪkər] 英式发音: [ˈvɪkə(r)]



复数:vicars  同义词




1.(圣公会的)代牧,教区牧师an Angpcan priest who is in charge of a church and the area around it (called a parish )

2.(美国圣公会的)牧师a priest in the US Episcopal Church


n.1.a priest in the U.S. episcopal Churcstrong.a priest in the Church of England

1.教区牧师 victim n.受害者,牺牲品 vicar n.教区牧师 source n.来源 ...

2.代理人 journey n. 旅途,旅行,历程 vicar n. 教区牧师;代理人 just then 正当那时 ...

3.代理主教 ... *versus (诉讼、竞赛等中)…对… *vicar 2.教皇 *vicious 恶毒的,恶意的 ...

5.传教牧师 ... 416 victim n. 受害者 417 vicar n. 教区牧师,教堂牧师,传教牧师 418 source n. 来源 ...

6.教堂牧师 ... victim n. 受害者 417 vicar n. 教区牧师, 教堂牧师, 传教牧师 418 source n. 来源 419 ...

7.英国教区的小牧师 Equal v. /adj. 与。。。相等 ) ♥Vicar 英国教区的小牧师 Be /get used to doing 习惯于 ...


1.Kent Popce said they did not arrest the Holy Trinity church vicar because it was an environmental health issue.肯特郡警方表示,他们并未逮捕这位三一教会牧师,因为这并非环境卫生议题。

2.The facts of the burglary at the vicarage came to us chiefly through the medium of the vicar and his wife.牧师家里失窃的消息主要是通过牧师和他的夫人才传到我们这儿来的。

3.The two customary candles were burning under their green shades in the Vicar's study, but he had not been sitting there.牧师的书房里照规矩点着两支蜡烛,罩着绿色的灯罩,但是牧师却不在书房里。

4.It had never occurred to the straightforward and simple-minded Vicar that one of his own flesh and blood could come to this!这位性格率直思想单纯的牧师从来没有想到,他自己的亲生骨肉竟会说出这样一番话来。

5." said the vicar. " You've probably waken up everyone in the village as well. still, I', m glad the bell is working again.牧师回答,“你能吵醒了全村人,不过,我们很商洽大钟又开始工作了。”

6.Armed with a torch , the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on .牧师拿着手电筒,走上钟楼想看看到底是怎么回事。

7."It is the equivalent of having a vicar in a dog collar bowing down to Lord Ram on a Diwap stamp, " he said.他说:“这就好比在印度排灯节邮票中出现穿戴胶领项圈的英国国教牧师,向印度的罗摩神鞠躬一样。”

8.We'll get used to that, Bill, ' said the vicar.“大家慢慢就习惯了,比尔,”牧师说。

9.The eldest of four, Cavell was born in 1865 and grew up in a small Norfolk village where her father was vicar.卡维尔是四子女中的老大,出生于1865年并在诺福克村中长大,该村是卡维尔父亲作牧师的地方。

10.Mrs. Bates, the widow of a former vicar of Highbury, was a very old lady, almost past every thing but tea and quadrille.贝茨太太是海伯里前牧师的遗孀,现在已成了个老太太,除了喝喝茶、打打牌,几乎什么事也干不了。