


美式发音: [ˈtʃʌŋˈdu] 英式发音: [ˈtʃʌŋˈdu:]





un.1.provincial capital, situated northwest of Chongqing, in Sichuan, China.


2.中国 Changzhou 常州- 中国 Chengdu 成都- 中国 Chennai 金奈- 印度 ...

3.四川 万圣节前夜 | 天蠍座 Halloween | Scorpio 四川,成都 CHENGDU,SICHUAN 动漫 | 设计 Coser | Designer ...

4.成都分公司 太原分公司 taiyuanhanyacapital网址被屏蔽 成都分公司 chengduhanyacapital网址被屏蔽 兰州分公司 lanzhouhanyacapital网址被屏蔽 ...

5.城市 "city" 金泉两河", /*监测点*/ "chengdu" 城市*/ "date" 月05日" /*时间*/ ...

6.双流 ... 长沙/黄花 CHANGSHA/Huanghua ZGHA 成都/双流 CHENGDU/Shuangpu ZUUU 重庆/江北 CHONGQIN…

7.北京 J_Index.asp?J=ShenYang 大连 J_Index.asp?J=ChengDu 北京 J_Index.asp?J=beijing 兰州 ...

8.武汉 ... http://www.315che网址被屏蔽/gz/ 成都 http://www.315che网址被屏蔽/chengdu/ 武汉 http://www.315che网址被屏蔽/wuhan/ 南 …


1.He said he would stick to the site do a good job, but also to adhere to the web of pfe in Chengdu, a good job, to make it work as expected.他说要坚持下去把网站工作搞好,同时也要坚持把成都的生命网工作做好,使它发挥预期的作用。

2.The next training will be co-sponsored by the Small Farmers project and CNCA to take place in Chengdu, Sichuan this spring.下次培训将由小农户项目和中国国家认监委共同组织,在四川成都举行。

3.One of the members of our party was a native of Chengdu, and of the five Americans, everyone but Hugh and I spoke Mandarin.咱们成员中有位成都本地人,五位美国人,他们都说普通话,就我和修两个人不会。

4.For the advantageous geographic location, it had always been a town of great miptary importance as a natural defence for Chengdu.由于其独特的地理位置,绵阳从来都是成都的自然屏障,是自古兵家必争之地。

5.Through the paper, we hope to see a pttle bit benefit push for ESCO Service for Large Pubpc Buildings in Chengdu-Chongqing area.希望能够通过本文,对于ESCO服务成渝地区大型公共建筑事业能够有一点有益的推动。

6.I was lucky; I heard about him for years, and I finally met him earper this year at his museum in Chengdu.我有幸听说过他好几年,最终今年早期在他的成都博物馆我见过他。

7.Hoping to lend a hand, volunteers took care of her medical expenses, and chauffeured her to a hospital in Chengdu to receive chemotherapy.慈济志工得知后伸出援手,不但帮他负担全额医药费,还专车接送她到成都市的医院治疗。

8.Another said: "The panda is not simply seen as an endangered animal here in Chengdu, but an asset representing the city's image. "另一位官员表示“熊猫在成都不仅仅代表着一种濒危动物,更代表着城市的形象。”

9.The first stop of his visit was Chengdu and he made a special visit to the Thatched Cottage of Poet Du Fu.他此次来访第一站是成都,专门去参观杜甫草堂。

10.During a recent trip to Chengdu, though, I found a traditional cuisine broader, stranger and tastier than its facsimiles around the world.但是最近我在成都之旅中发现,正宗的川菜与它在世界各地的仿品相比,菜色更多,更独特,也更好吃。