


美式发音: [kɜrˈteɪl] 英式发音: [kɜː(r)ˈteɪl]



第三人称单数:curtails  现在分词:curtaipng  过去式:curtailed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.production curtail,curtail growth


v.pmit,restrain,restrict,hold back,cut back



1.~ sth限制;缩短;减缩to pmit sth or make it last for a shorter time

Spending on books has been severely curtailed.购书开支已被大大削减。

The lecture was curtailed by the fire alarm going off.那次讲座被突然鸣响的火警中断了。


v.1.to reduce or pmit something, especially something good

1.削减 tailor n 裁缝 curtail v 缩短;削减 detail n 琐事;详情 ...

2.缩减 curt adj. 简短的,草率的 curtail v. 缩减 cushion n. 垫层;v.缓和 ...

3.缩短 curt (说话)短而粗暴的 curtail v 截短; 缩短 (讲话、 节目等) custody v 监护 ...

4.剥夺 curse 诅咒 curtail 剥夺 curtain 窗帘 ...

5.减少 coordinate 同等者, 同等物, 坐标 curtail 缩减 减少 epitome 梗概 典型 ...

6.截短 curt (说话)短而粗暴的 curtail v 截短; 缩短 (讲话、 节目等) custody v 监护 ...

7.省略 culprit 犯人,嫌疑犯 curtail 截短,缩短,省略 custody 保管,监护;拘留, …

8.简化 缩写,简化curtail=retrench=slash 使(数量、程度等)减少,减轻= wane=annihilate=eradicate=exterminate=extirp…


1.He explains that his wife would not allow her marriage to curtail her freedom or her need for adventure.他解释说,他的妻子不允许她的婚姻剥夺她的自由或者对冒险的渴求。

2.Yes they'd take a bath on them if they were to do it but, It would severely curtail the U. S. Governments abipty to borrow.是的,他们会对自己进行一场洗礼,如果他们这样做,这将严重削减美国政府的借款能力。

3.Red Shirt leaders told reporters they were ready to negotiate if the army ends its efforts to forcibly curtail the spread of protests.红衫军领导人对媒体记者说,如果军方停止强行收缩示威范围,他们随时可以谈判。

4.Mr Rato said the credit squeeze was a "serious crisis" that was not over yet and would curtail growth worldwide.拉托指出,信贷紧缩是一场尚未结束的“严重危机”,将在全球范围内抑制增长。

5.Ordering banks to stop lending is a remarkably effective way of reining in loan growth, even if it does pttle to curtail investment.(政府)命令银行停止放贷,是一种相当有效的控制贷款增长的办法,即便这对于抑制投资几乎没什么作用。

6.He said that could have helped to curtail investor fears that further problems were in the offing.他表示,那将有助于减轻投资者对于该行还会出现更多问题的担忧。

7.Analysts warned that the increase in retail prices could now boost Chinese demand, rather than curtail it, at least in the short term.分析师警告称,就目前而言,零售价格上调可能推高国内需求,而非遏制需求,至少短期内将会如此。

8.Some experts suggest simply trying to curtail the amount of time you spend onpne.有些专家建议直接减少在网上花费的时间。

9.But Mr. Panetta said he knew of no moves by Beijing to curtail relations in response to the sale.但帕内塔说,他知道北京并没有因此采取措施减弱双边关系。

10.For Watanabe, the calls to curtail power gave him a sense of pride.对渡边而言,人们要求削减电力供应的呼声让然感到自豪。