



美式发音: [ˈtʃerɪʃ] 英式发音: ['tʃerɪʃ]




第三人称单数:cherishes  现在分词:cherishing  过去式:cherished  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.cherish memory,cherish hope,cherish idea






v.1.to take care of someone or something because you love them very mucstrong.to keep something pleasant in your mind for a long time3.to think that something is very important and to wish to keep it

1.珍爱的 gregarious 合群的 cherished 珍爱的 amiable 和蔼可亲的 ...

2.珍惜 ... 5. presence - 存在感 7.cherished - 珍惜 1. Therefore - 因此 ...

3.爱护 ... cherished 爱护; 珍爱; 受爱护的; long-cherished 被长期渴望的; ...


6.怀抱 charted 制图表 cherished 珍爱,怀抱(希望) chronological 按年代顺序排列的 ...

7.趣味多 优爵 N3 趣味多 Cherished 皇家 royalcanin ...


1.As she packed the china with great care, she said to me, You must treasure the things that people you love have cherished.她一边小心翼翼地把它们包好,一边对我说:你必须珍惜这些你所爱的人曾经珍惜过的东西。

2.Seniors also may fear having to leave cherished belongings behind or being unable to make friends in a new setting.老年人也可能不愿意离开自己珍视的一些物品,或担心在新环境中交不到朋友。

3.He said he cherished "the love. . . of those who represent most of Syria's people. "他说他珍惜那些代表大多数叙利亚民众人民对他的爱。

4.This child was all that was left of him, and she cherished, as so tender a creature would, the legacy which he had bequeathed to her.这孩子是他留下的唯一身后之物,那位温柔的太太对这遗物爱护备至。

5.The sun rises quietly from the sea of Opatija, uncovering the dark harbour, which is the dream I cherished al night.太阳从Opatija的海里升起,黑色绒纸剪影的港湾悄悄揭开,我彻夜漂游的美梦。

6.When a woman does not feel cherished in a relationship she gradually becomes compulsively responsible and exhausted from giving too much.当她觉得在关系中没有受到珍爱,她担负的责任变成强迫性义务时,会因付出太多而觉精疲力尽。

7.But he never forgot he was a Chinese descendant and he cherished a deep love for his country.但是他没有忘记自己司炎黄子孙,对祖国充满了热爱。

8.All her emotion is dedicated to the sacred love that she cherished even when she suffered from the blow of her betraying lover.她把自己的全部感情都奉献给了爱情,即使她被情人欺骗,不堪打击的时候,她也依然捍卫着心中那神圣的爱情。

9.We may be one of the last generations to see some of the Earth's most cherished places.它们中的某些是地球上最值得珍惜的地方,我们也许是能观赏到这些景色的最后一代人。

10.Purity is always cherished mostly in people's hearts. For pfe, the pure color glazed tile is the best choice to break this kind of style.纯净,永远使人们心中最后固守的心灵包裹。对于生活来说,纯色瓷砖无疑是打破这种风格的最好选择。