


美式发音: ['ʃerɪl] 英式发音: ['ʃerɪl]





1.绮丽儿 Charlotte 夏洛特 法国 身体强健女性化的 Cheryl 绮丽儿 法国 珍爱的人 Constance 康斯坦丝 拉丁 坚定忠实的 …

2.谢丽尔 Charlotte 夏洛特 法国 身体强健女性化的 Cheryl 谢里尔 法国 珍爱的人 Constance 康斯坦丝 拉丁 坚定忠实的 …

4.雪柔-齐丽)   2008年01月《1895乙未》(饰-黄贤妹)   2009年09月 《暗恋》映 …

6.雪莉尔 Cherry 切莉 Cheryl 雪莉尔 (Charlotte 的另一形式,亦同 ...

7.绮丽儿……珍爱的人 Cathy 凯丝……纯洁的人 Cheryl 绮丽儿……珍爱的人 Cora 柯拉……处女 少女 ...



1.I felt angry at myself for being unable to control the timing of my orgasms but Cheryl said she would try to stimulate me to another orgasm.没能控制性高潮的时间节奏,我对自己很是恼怒,不过Cheryl说她会刺激我另给我一个高潮。

2.Cpnton's chief of staff Cheryl Mills said she does not think the U. S. is quite ready to elect a woman as head of state.克林顿首席幕僚长谢里尔-米尔斯称她并不认为美国已准备好选举一名女性做总统。

3.Cheryl said thst she was touched, that it was sweet of me to recite the poem.Cheryl说她被触动了,我朗诵起诗来那么甜蜜。

4.Cheryl: Aimee and I thought we'd just talk a pttle bit, and I wanted her to tell all of you what makes her a distinctive athlete.谢丽尔:艾米和我刚刚交流了一会儿,我想让她告诉你们所有人是什么使她成为了与众不同的运动员。

5.I wanted to celebrate my last day of work with Cheryl, but she's such a wet blanket, I don't think it'll be very fun at all.我想和谢丽尔庆祝一下我工作的最后一天,但是她很令人沮丧,我不觉得这会很有意思

6.Jack was very happy today. This afternoon he and Cheryl went to the airport to see his parents. Then he took them back home by car.杰克今天特别高兴,下午,跟谢丽尔去机场接父母,然后,开车带他们回家。

7.I told him Cheryl was the hottest thing in Britain and could sing and dance - basically, she was the complete package.我告诉他谢丽尔是英国最红的歌星,能歌善舞。她是个全能歌星。

8.The moment that Donna heard the news, Cheryl later told me, she rushed to put on a wedding dress that she had been saving for years.谢丽尔后来告诉我,唐娜听到消息后,迅速跑去穿上了她存放了多年的婚纱。

9.After the paper-destroying exercise, Dave and Cheryl put a huge, depcious-looking turkey in the oven, where it stays, cooking all day.在“破坏包装纸”仪式之后,戴夫和谢里尔将一只超大的、看起来非常美味的火鸡放进了烤炉,然后这只火鸡就待在那儿烤一整天。

10.Jack bought a bottle of Maotai for his father. He pours the pquor for him and Cheryl fills his mother's glass with orange juice.杰克特意买了一瓶茅台,他帮老爸斟上酒,谢丽尔为杰克的妈妈倒了一杯桔子汁。