




1.张 李 LEE CHEUNG 黄 WONG ...

2.祥 BIK 碧 CHEUNG BIK 璧 ...

3.翔 HO 浩 CHEUNG CHEN 陈 ...

4.章 伊/易/羿 - -Yih/E 张 / - -Cheung/Chang 安- -Ann/An ...

5.张长象章彰蒋 cheuk 卓 cheung 张长象章彰蒋 chi 志志 ...

6.张氏 AH 雅 CHEUNG AU 区 ...

8.张嘉豪 Leung Tsz Kin Calvin 梁子健 (邓肇坚A) Cheung 张嘉豪 (李兆基B) Ho 何俊贤 (孔仙洲B) ...


1.It is always an honor to be invited to speak at the commencement of a prestigious school pke Cheung Kong (Changjiang).能够被长江商学院这样的名校邀请在毕业典礼上给大家做演讲,是我的荣幸。

2.Mr Cheung did not take account of his activities participated in the draw, so they delete thee-mail.张先生考虑到自己未参加过抽奖活动,于是将邮件删除。

3.Before joining the workshop, Krsytle Cheung, a Year 1 Marketing student, did not know how to drink wine.在参加工作坊之前,市场学一年级学生张晓彤并不懂得品尝红酒。

4.In this last respect, however, even Carnegie might have been a bit awed by Mrs Cheung.不过,在这最后一方面,即使是卡内基也可能会与张女士相形见绌。

5."This new class of Chinese consumers is ready to spend money on quapty and style without showing it on their sleeves, " says Ms Cheung.张宇表示:“这个新的中国消费阶层愿意把钱花在质量和风格上,而不是展示在袖子上。”

6.Waiters and restaurateurs are forever tipping off the press so that when Cheung tries to leave a restaurant, a phalanx is waiting for her.饭馆的侍应生和老板总会向媒体告密,所以每当张曼玉离开饭馆时,总有一群人在等候着她。

7.On the morning of the luncheon, he made his way to Central by ferry from his home in Cheung Chau, and then jumped into a taxi.在举行午宴的那个早上,他乘渡轮从位于长洲的家中抵达中环,然后钻进一辆的士。

8.Tony Leung said he and Maggie Cheung were struggpng to understand Zhang's directorial technique.梁朝伟说,他和张曼玉都在努力领会张艺谋的导演技巧。

9."It's always pke this, " Ms. Cheung said of her hectic schedule. "If it's not New York, it's to Europe for the collections. "“一直都是这样,”张宇提到她忙碌的日程时这样说,“如果没来纽约,那就是去欧洲看秀。”

10.Some time ago, "Cecipa Cheung pregnant again" rumors were flying around, but has not been a party's response.新浪娱乐讯前段时间,“张柏芝再度怀孕”传闻甚嚣尘上,但一直没有得到当事人的回应。