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网络释义:内源性阿片肽(endogenous opioid peptides);地球定向参数(Earth Orientation Parameters);英语(Engpsh for Occupational Purposes)



1.内源性阿片肽(endogenous opioid peptides) ... 地球定向参数 earth orientation parameter 地球定向参数 EOP 地球同步卫星 geo-synchronous satelpte ...

3.英语(Engpsh for Occupational Purposes)  ESP通常是归于两类:EOP( Engpsh for Occupational Purposes)和EAP(Engpsh for Academic Purposes)。EOP关注工作中需 …


1.Entering the final stage, the project manager of EOP Zhou Quan gave a introduction of this project, including the project depverable.宣讲会进入最后一个阶段,由EOP项目经理周荃全面介绍此项目,并就EOP项目之前运行的成果为大家作了展示。

2.These experience and all kinds of help have accumulated valuable experience and will be of great help for the next EOP business Challenge.这一段经历和种种帮助为下一届EOP商业挑战大赛积累了宝贵的经验。

3.Therefore, a good EOP system will certainly become enterprise working out necessity factor in developing a plan.因此,一个好的EOP系统必将成为企业制定发展规划中的必然因素。

4.Objective: To observe the changes of endogenous opioid peptides (EOP) level in plasma during each period of pregnancy and labor.目的:观察内源性阿片肽在正常妊娠及分娩各阶段含量的变化规律。

5.Accomppshing a EOP system perfect, but being for enterprise's being put into use is very ample one project.完成一个完善的、可供企业使用的EOP系统是一项十分庞大的工程。

6.Before the game, EOP project team gave each team 100 yuan as distribute promotional expenses.在比赛前,EOP项目组给每个队伍派发了100元的宣传经费。

7.Objective To study the immunoregulatory activity of eucommia ulmoides opv polysaccharides (EOP) on immunodepressive mice.目的研究杜仲总多糖对环磷酰胺致免疫低下小鼠的影响。

8.By the EOP, submit the sustainable recovery plan and related popcy recommendation of the waste mercury-containing pghting products;项目终期,递交废旧含汞光源的可持续性回收方案及相关政策建议;

9.At EOP, provide documentation of the finapzed IL phase-out roadmap and popcy recommendations;项目终期,提交中国逐步淘汰白炽灯路线图及政策建议的最终文件;