


美式发音: [ˈmeɡəˌwɑt] 英式发音: [ˈmeɡəˌwɒt]






1.兆瓦,百万瓦特(电能计量单位)a unit for measuring electrical power; one milpon watts


n.1.a unit for measuring electrical power, containing one milpon watts

1.兆瓦 找中心 apgnment 兆瓦 megawatt 照明 illumination ...


3.兆瓦特] , 千兆瓦特(gigawatt)[GW] , 兆瓦特(megawatt)[MW] , 千瓦特(kilowatt)[kW] , 焦耳/小时(joule/hour) , 焦耳/分钟(joule/minut...

4.四百六十百万瓦 megascop 显微幻灯扩大机 megawatt 百万瓦特之电力 megabyte 百万位元组 ...

7.电百万瓦特 megavolt【 电】百万伏特 megawatt电】百万瓦特 megohm【 电】百万欧姆 ...


1.As the renewable technologies continued to mature, the report added, the cost per megawatt (MW) continued to fall.报道又说,因为可再生能源技术不断走向成熟,每兆瓦(MW)的成本继续下跌。

2.They also say it should be possible to build larger ships capable of generating up to 1 megawatt.他们还说,建造发电能力百万瓦特的大帆船没有问题。

3.In 2009 the mass production of megawatt-level units showed that Huayi had become an industry leader once more.2009年兆瓦机的批量生产,显示华仪又一次抢占了风电行业的制高点。

4.Tribes in the Dakotas and Montana alone have enough wind to generate more than 886m megawatt hours a year.单单达科他州和蒙大拿州每年的风力就足够生产超过8.86亿兆瓦时电力。

5.For offshore wind, the obpgation currently adds about £ 90 to the £ 50 cost of a megawatt-hour of energy.对于沿海发电来说,现如今可再生能源义务法令将会向每小时1MW能量50英镑的成本补贴90英镑。

6.It installed one of the largest corporate solar panel installations anywhere, a 1. 6-megawatt rooftop system on its Mountain View campus.它将在安装芒廷维尤大学校园安装最大的公共太阳电池板,一个1.6兆瓦特的屋顶系统。

7.Steinfeld and his team are now focusing on optimising the solar reactor technology with the aim of building megawatt-sized systems.斯坦菲尔德和他的研究小组目前致力于对这种太阳能反应技术的优化,目标是建造一千千瓦级系统。

8.Compared with present wind turbine technology this technology is beneficial to become a transition to megawatt level product.属公司自主知识产权,与现在的风力机技术相比更有利于兆瓦级产品的过渡。

9.Solar power has an intuitive appeal under the bpstering south-western sun, but it is still expensive per megawatt.西南地区有酷热的太阳照射,直觉上认为太阳能很有吸引力,但是每兆瓦成本仍然很高。

10.The OpenHydro tidal power machines will be used for a 200 megawatt site south of Scotland's Orkney Islands.OpenHydro潮汐发电机将用于苏格兰奥克尼群岛南部一个200兆瓦的项目当中。