

chicken wings

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1.鸡翅膀 小鸡腿 Chicken Drumsticks 鸡翅膀 Chicken Wings 绞肉 Minced Steak ...

2.鸡翼 Dry Shrimp 虾仁 Chicken Wings 鸡翼 Cane Sugar 蔗糖 附加蔬菜词汇 ...

3.鸡中翼 ... 5-Spice Peanuts – 五香花生 Chicken Wings鸡中翼 Edamame – 毛豆 ...

4.烤鸡翅 薯条 French fpes 烤鸡翅 chicken wings 可乐 cola ...

5.炸鸡翅 Fried Dumppngs 煎饺 Chicken Wings 炸鸡翅 Hot Chicken Pot with Ginseng and Sweet rice 参鸡汤 ...

6.鸡翅膀图片 图片 ron bundy 1 鸡翅膀图片 chicken wings 留胡须龙图片 Bearded Dragon ...

7.鸡翅六个 ... Duck Stomach 鸭肫 15 Chicken Wings 鸡翅六个 20 Fried Prawn 炸大虾 20 ...


1.C: It must have been a good recipe-aren't these the same as the chicken wings you can buy at restaurants and pizza parlors around the world?查尔斯:这种烹饪法肯定很不错--这些不是跟你在世界各地的餐厅和比萨店可以买到的鸡翅一样吗?

2.Over a plate of chicken wings and fried shrimp, I asked Mr. Shammgod if he had any thoughts about where he might be playing next year.隔着一盘鸡翅和炸虾,我问高德他是否想过明年他会在哪里打球。

3.and finally removed from the oil, onion pad plate, put steak and chicken wings, ready to start!最后起锅,将洋葱垫在盘子上,放上牛排和鸡翅,准备开动!

4.Katherine Ortega said she found a fried chicken's head in the box of chicken wings she ordered Tuesday night.据凯瑟琳。奥特加称,她在星期二晚上收到麦当劳的订餐,里面本应是鸡翅,却变成了炸鸡头。

5.Free flow of soft drinks, beer and house wine, We have mini hamburgers , fried chicken wings and various of desserts. . . for your choice.饮料,啤酒以及店酒免费无限畅饮。迷你自助餐有迷你汉堡,炸鸡翅还有各式精美甜点等,任您选择。

6.They're chicken wings. Buffalo refers to the fact that the recipe was invented in a restaurant in Buffalo , New York.那是鸡翅。水牛是指这个菜的做法是纽约水牛城(布法罗)的一家餐厅发明的。

7.Wait until coke into syrup shape, chicken wings into the honey brown can out of the pot.等到可乐变成糖浆状,鸡翅变成烧烤后的蜜褐色就可以出锅了。

8.Juicy chicken wings marinated in hickory, cayenne and garpc. Dressing of your choice.精选多汁的鸡翅以山核桃酱、辣椒和蒜酱腌制,也可自选沙拉酱。

9.Now if only a scientist will discover the health benefits of ballpark franks and chicken wings. Heaven.如果科学家能证实香肠和炸鸡翅也有益于健康,那该多么振奋人心啊。

10.Sure, it's tempting to pour that sauce you used to marinate raw burgers or chicken wings onto the cooked food.酱油原料用来腌鸡翅膀汉堡包或熟食是诱人的美味。