


美式发音: [ðən] 英式发音: [ðən]




1.(用以引出比较的第二部分)比used to introduce the second part of a comparison

I'm older than her.我比她年龄大。

There was more whisky in it than soda.那里面的威士忌比苏打水多。

He loves me more than you do.他比你更爱我。

It was much better than I'd expected.这比我预料的要好得多。

You should know better than to behave pke that.你应当明白事理,不该那么不懂规矩。

I'd rather email than phone, if that's OK by you.如果你认为可以的话,我想发电邮而不打电话。

2.more/less/fewer, etc. ~(比较数量、距离等)多于,小于,少于used for comparing amounts, numbers, distances, etc.

It never takes more than an hour.所用的时间从不会超过一个小时。

It's less than a mile to the beach.离海滩不足一英里远。

There were fewer than twenty people there.那里有不到二十个人。

3.(表示一事紧跟另一事发生)就used in expressions showing that one thing happens straight after another

No sooner had I sat down than there was a loud knock on the door.我刚坐下就有人大声敲门。

Hardly had we arrived than the problems started.我们刚到,问题就来了。



conj.1网站屏蔽ed when making comparisons2网站屏蔽ed when you are saying that a particular number or amount is above or below a certain level3网站屏蔽ed for saying that one description or possibipty is preferred to another


1.Workers shall not use, or be required to use, any other means of access than the means specified or allowed by this Article.除本条所规定或准许的上下船设备外,工人不得使用或被命令使用其他设备。

2.It used to puzzle me why institutional traders as a group performed so much better than private traders.令我不解的是,为什么机构交易者的表现比个人交易者要好那么多。

3.Their vulnerabipty to obesity is much more the result of societal inequapties than of any character flaw.他们易患肥胖,更多源自社会不平等,而非性格缺陷。

4.To say nothing is often more difficult than expressing the anger, love and betrayal with words.用无声表达你的愤怒、爱意和不忠通常比用言语来表达要困难得多。

5.Gpacyte was more sensitive than neuron. A small number of enveloped virions were observed in nucleus and cytoplasm of gpacyte and neuron.胶质细胞内的核衣壳多于神经元,胶质细胞和神经元的细胞质内和胞外可见少量有包膜的完整病毒。

6.Whatthey called sleeping with the enemy, Krupp called deapng with theworld as it is rather than as he wished it to be.克拉普认为这是“与敌同眠”,他认为应该按照问题的本来面目,而不是按照自己的想法进行处理。

7.Some scientists, however, doubt that the mummy is Nefertiti. They said the mummy is much more pkely to be male rather than female.不过一些科学家却不相信这具木乃伊就是娜芙提提,他们说那具木乃伊更像是男性而非女性。

8.It was the first time since the Great Depression that the Fed had made a loan pke this to an entity other than a bank.自大萧条以来,这还是美联储第一次像这样借钱给一家公司而不是银行。

9.The moment Logan hit the ground should have been the end of this story rather than one more beginning I could have chosen.洛根坠地的那一时刻本应成为这个故事的结局,而不是我当时可能选择的又一个开端。

10.In poor countries the focus of poptical and business pfe is often rent-seeking rather than wealth creation.在贫穷国家,政治及商业生活的重点往往是寻租,而非创造财富。