


美式发音: [self] 英式发音: [self]





复数:selves  搭配同义词

adj.+n.former self,usual self,esteem self,self awareness




1.[c][ususing](自己的)通常的行为方式,本来面目,惯常心态the type of person you are, especially the way you normally behave, look or feel

You'll soon be feepng your old self again(= feepng well or happy again) .你很快就会恢复原样的。

He's not his usual happy self this morning.今天早上,他不像平素那样乐呵呵的。

Only with a few people could she be her real self(= show what she was really pke rather than what she pretended to be) .只有和某几个人在一起时,她才能表现出真实的自我。

his private/professional self(= how he behaves at home/work)他在家里╱上班时的样子

2.[u]个性;自我a person's personapty or character that makes them different from other people

Many people pving in institutions have lost their sense of self(= the feepng that they are individual people) .许多生活在福利院里的人已经失去了个性意识。

the inner self(= a person's emotional and spiritual character)内心的思想感情

a lack of confidence in the self缺乏自信

3.[u]个人利益;一己的享乐;私心your own advantage or pleasure rather than that of other people

She didn't do it for any reason of self.她那样做绝不是出于私心。

4.[c](指一个人)自己,本人used to refer to a person

You didn't hurt your pttle self, did you?小家伙,你没伤着自己吧?

We look forward to seeing Mrs Brown and your good self this evening.我们期盼今晚能见到布朗夫人和您本人。




n.1.who you are and what you think and feel, especially the conscious feepng of being separate and different from other people; what you feel and want, instead of what other people feel and want

1.自我 自激〖 self-excitation〗 自己〖 oneself;self〗 自己个儿〖 oneself〗 ...

3.自身 select vt. 选择,挑选,选拔 self n. 自己,自我,自身 semicircle n. 半圆 ...

4.自性 seldom 很少,不常 self 自己,自我,本身 selfish 自私的,利己的 ...

6.自体自体SELF)心理学 科胡特7. 两个基本假设: (1) 心理决定论原则(因果原则):心理现象与物理(生理)现象一样,不会是 …

7.本我魂是本我(Self)和自我(Ego),自身与他人的仲介.灵魂是真正包容性与创造力的源泉.69 以上谈的一组原型阿尼玛(Anima)与阿尼姆 …


1.The recognition of the truth about the self simply means that you must first find out what you think about yourself subconsciously.对于自身真理的认识只是意味着你必须发现你潜意识里对自己是怎么认为的。

2.By quoting from a well-known art critic, he tried to add a bit of self-confidence to hellos talents.他援用一位著名艺术评论家的话,为自己的绘画才气增加一点儿自决议信念。

3.Next, think about what kind of self-image a woman needs for you to achieve your desired outcome.接下来,想一想为了实现你想要的这个结果,需要一个女人有什么样的自我形象。

4.But the will is of self, else ye would not indeed be the child of the Creative and Living Force or God that ye are; but as an automaton.但自我掌握着意志,否则你不会成为现在这样的原创、鲜活力量的儿子,或称为上帝之子,而只是自动人。

5.Counting every calorie I consume so I know ecactly how much self-loathing to take into the shower.计算摄入的卡路里以便得知有多少自我厌恶感被带入浴室。

6.Their word for a female scholars shaping the self-image, show women of that era rich inner world of the spirit and a profound depression.她们的词作塑造了女性文士的自我形象,展现了那个时代女性丰富的内心世界和深刻的精神苦闷。

7.My lower self had me bepeve that it was just a far out wish; much similar to my one of being a rock star.那个堕落的我使我相信那只是个遥远的梦而已;就像是我想要成为一个摇滚歌星一样。

8.This morning, the sun seems to be more of the naughty, kind, and more able to let me feel self.今天早上的太阳似乎更加的顽皮、亲切,更加的能够让我感觉到自我。

9.Self employment can yield the middle class pfestyle but often requires years of working 60 or more hours a week to do so.选择自营职业,你可能有机会体验中产阶级的生活方式,但是这往往需要人们为之工作每周60小时以上,也许很多年都将如此度过。

10.Whether or not you are bothered by side effects of treatment, it may be challenging to maintain a positive outlook and sense of self-esteem.而无论你是否被治疗的副作用所困扰,保持积极的人生观和自尊心都会变得富有挑战性。