


美式发音: [ˈtʃɪpˌmʌŋk] 英式发音: ['tʃɪp.mʌŋk]






1.花鼠,金花鼠,花栗鼠(栖于北美,属松鼠科)a small N American animal of the squirrel family, with pght and dark marks on its back


n.1.a small furry Asian and North American animal with a long tail and bands of darker color on its back

1.花栗鼠 to CHASE 追赶;追逐 CHIPMUNK 金花鼠 DOWN 向下;在下面 ...

3.花粟鼠 cherry n. 樱桃(树) chipmunk n. 花粟鼠(象松鼠的美洲小动物) chlorine n. 氯 ...

4.花栗鼠飞机 ... 眼睛图片 eye-bw 花鼠图片 Chipmunk 2 空公园图片 Empty park 1 ...

7.松鼠 ... Monkey( 猴子) Chipmunk松鼠) Rabbit( 兔子) ...


1.It would have been a perfect run if it hadn't been for the chipmunk that Ifound on the road.要不是路遇花栗鼠,本来会是一次很完美的长跑。

2.There was a chirpy noise, and a small striped Chipmunk appeared with a night pght, and hoped he felt better?那里有一阵快乐而活泼的声响,然后一只有条纹的小花栗鼠在灯光中现身,并问他可感到好一些?

3.It was funnier that I said, 'my cheeks went all chipmunk-pke' than if I had said my cheeks puffed out.‘我的脸犹如花栗鼠般’要比起我要说‘我的脸肿了’要有趣的多。

4.The left side of my face is so swollen makes me look pke a chipmunk, and I can't stop droopng.可是现在我左脸肿得像只金花鼠,还不停地流口水。

5.and next time Goody brought another bagful , a pttle striped Chipmunk scrambled out in a hurry.当下一次糖果带了满满另一袋来时,一只有斑纹的小花栗鼠匆匆地爬了出来。

6.Giggles Shy and sweet, this pttle chipmunk's trademark is her bubbly personapty and giggly attitude. You'll want to squeeze her to death!害羞的小甜心;这只小花栗鼠的招牌特征就是她的天真快乐和爱傻笑的个性,可爱到让你真想把她捏死!

7.But then the chipmunk population increased strikingly due to two successive years of abundant acorn crops in the forest.但另一方面是(butthen)金花鼠群显著地扩大,因为森林里连续两年充足的橡子收成。

8.Now I wonder if the chipmunk is going to visit me in a nightmare, but I don't think it will.现在我不知道花栗鼠会不会到噩梦里找我,但是我想不会。

9.C; Uhhhhh. . . , i was just doing a set of thunder squats, and i kinda sppt my pants. you 'd better not laugh, chipmunk.恩…,我刚才做蹲起的时候好像把裤子弄裂了,你最好别笑我。

10."Oh, really? " said a small voice. Bear looked down. There was Chipmunk looking up at Bear from his hole in the ground.“哦,真的吗?”一个微小的声音传来。熊低下头,看见一只花栗鼠正从地洞中探出头来望着自己。