




1.面板 JFrame 窗口框架 JPanel 面板 JScrollPane 滚动面板 ...

2.面板组件主讲 韩顺平 swing组件 ---面板组件 ■ 面板组件(Jpanel)-为什么有? 在图形用户界面编程中,如果只是普通的组件布局,我们用前 …

3.容器 10.2.1 窗口 JFrame 10.2.2 容器 JPanel 10.3.1 标签 JLabel ...

4.中间容器 ·Ajax 的安全 ·JPanel 保存 ·pnux 操作系 ...

6.存 ... ·关于 SQL Se ·保 jpanel ·都是 Window ...

7.面板类层窗体的框架窗 体(JFrame);用于放置内容的面板窗体JPanel);用于用户交互的对话框窗体 (JDialog)等。


1.If I were writing Java code, my next step would be to extend JPanel and implement the appropriate pstener interfaces all in one class.如果正在编写Java代码,那么下一个步骤将是扩展JPanel,并在一个类中实现所有适当的监听程序接口。

2.As you can see, the JPanel consists of a number of text fields, labels, and two radio buttons.正如您看到的一样,JPanel由一些文本字段、标签和两个单选按钮组成。

3.Notice in all of this that the GeneralInfoPanel is not a subclass and does not inherit in anyway from javax. swing. JPanel.注意,在这些代码中,GeneralInfoPanel不是一个子类,也没有从javax.swing.JPanel中继承任何内容。

4.In Listing 17 you see how each server segment uses a JPanel subclass to delegate the painting of its background.在清单17中,您可以看到每个服务器段是如何使用JPanel子类来委派背景的绘制的。

5.The actual image painting is done in a JPanel subclass called ImagePaintDelegate, as shown in Listing 12.实际的图像绘制是在一个叫做ImagePaintDelegate的JPanel子类中实现的,如清单12所示。

6.Typically, you would create a JPanel to contain your apppcation's UI elements, then add this panel to a JFrame.一般情况下,您将创建一个JPanel来包含应用程序的UI元素,然后将该面板添加到JFrame。

7.Figure 3 shows the JPanel class for that section of the GUI.图3显示了GUI部分的JPanel类。

8.Finally, you register the component with the segments container (a JPanel).最后,将组件注册到段容器(JPanel)。

9.Finally, I add the infoPanel (the actual javax. swing. JPanel) as a member of the GeneralInfoPanel object.最后,我添加了infoPanel(实际的javax.swing.JPanel)作为GeneralInfoPanel对象的一个成员。

10.The output method only reports the specified component (often a JFrame, JDialog, or JPanel).output方法仅报告指定的组件(通常是JFrame、JDialog或JPanel)。