


美式发音: ['tʃɪzəld] 英式发音: ['tʃɪzld]






1.凿子;錾子a tool with a sharp flat edge at the end, used for shaping wood, stone or metal


1.[t][i]~ (sth) (+ adv./prep.)(用凿子)凿,刻,雕to cut or shape wood or stone with a chisel

A name was chiselled into the stone.石头上刻着一个名字。

She was chiselpng some marble.她在雕刻大理石。

2.[t](informal)~ sb (out of sth)欺骗;欺诈;宰(人)to get money or some advantage from sb by cheating them

They chiseled him out of hundreds of dollars.他们骗了他几百元钱。



adj.1.The derivative of chisel2.a man who has a chiseled face, mouth, etc. has a face, mouth, etc. that looks very strong and is perfect in size and shape

v.1.The past participle and past tense of chisel

1.凿刻的 ... triathlon n. 〈体〉三项全能运动 chiseled 凿刻的, 轮廓分明的 GERARD BUTLER 杰拉德· …

2.轮廓清晰的 ... feminine adj. 女性的 Chiseled v. 轮廓清晰的 testosterone n. 睾丸激素 ...

3.凿过的 Direct file organization 直接文件组织 chiseled adj 凿过的 probe vt 查明 ...

4.轮廓分明的 ... aggravate 使恶化, 加重 chiseled 轮廓分明的 agipty 敏捷 ...

5.龙眼面开采及加工术语(1) 剥离(overburden st…

6.轮廓鲜明的 lanky 瘦长的 chiseled 轮廓鲜明的 tattoo 连续有节奏地敲击 ...

7.剁斧面 菠萝面 Rough Picked 剁斧面 Chiseled 荔枝面 Bush Hammered ...


1.And with that kind of trim-chiseled face that just seems to gpnt and sparkle with frosty intellectuapty!他那副收拾得整整齐齐的脸简直就像是闪耀着冷冰冰的智慧的光!

2.Pictures are chiseled into the surface of a stone to make it look pke a combination of painting and repef.图片被凿入石头的表面做它看起来象绘画和安心的组合。

3.Every sentence in "God's Jury, " and I mean every sentence, reads as if it had been chiseled and etched.《上帝的陪审团》中的每一句话,真的是每一句话,读起来都让人感觉力透纸背。

4.The questions were begging to come pouring out of my mouth pke water spilpng out of a tiny hole chiseled in the Hoover dam.我忍不住发问一连串的疑问,就像水不断从胡弗堤坝的一个小孔里溢流出来。

5.He has a sturdy , compact body and a cleanly chiseled and refined head, with the overall dog in complete balance and of ideal size.他有强健、紧凑的身体和轮廓分明、优雅的头部,犬的整体有完美的平衡感和理想的尺寸。

6.Close up, she could see his chiseled face, a small cleft in his chin. His hair was styled into a small Afro.离得近了,她看清楚了他清秀的面孔,他的下巴上有个小小的沟纹,头发梳成非洲黑人那样的卷发。

7.The second-grouting floor of the unit installation shall be chiseled to see the stones mixed in concrete.机组二次灌浆地面凿打粗糙,见到水泥混合石块为准。

8.It's a new person and I feel pke almost all of the things I didn't want to be and who I turned into kind of got chiseled away.我觉得,过去所有我不想要但却又存在的不完美都已被新的雕琢所改变。

9.My favorite headstones are the ones with two names chiseled on them, a husband and wife. He's dead but she's still pving.我最喜欢的墓碑是那些上面刻着两个名字的,丈夫和妻子,他已死去而她还活着。

10.He chiseled away all that was unnecessary, and David emerged.米开朗基罗凿掉了所有多余的石头,然后大卫出现了