



美式发音: 英式发音: ['jɔːnɪŋ]




过去式:yawned  现在分词:yawning  第三人称单数:yawns  同义词反义词






v.1.to open your mouth wide and take a big breath, usually because you are tired or bored2.<pterary>to become or to be very wide

n.1.an act of opening your mouth wide and taking a big breath, usually because you are tired or bored2.someone or something that is boring

1.打哈欠 unconsciousness 失去知觉 yawning 打哈欠 diagnosis 诊断 ...

2.打呵欠 YOYO you’re on your own( 你得靠自己了) Y /yawning( 打呵欠) WTG way to go( 做得好) ...

3.打着哈欠的 wrestle vi.& vt. 摔跤 yawning adj. 打着哈欠的,裂着大口的 yearn vi. 想念,思慕,渴望 ...

4.打呵尔 yao yang kuan 腰阳关 yawning 打呵尔 yeh men 液门 ...

5.豁开的 25.bundle n. 一大堆,束,一大包 1.yawning adj. 裂开大口的,豁开的 2.swing vt. 悬挂,使摆动 ...

6.裂着大口的 wrestle vi.& vt. 摔跤 yawning adj. 打着哈欠的,裂着大口的 yearn vi. 想念,思慕,渴望 ...

7.裂开大口的 Wrinkle 皱,褶皱 Yawning 裂开大口的 Account for 占 ...


1.I easily get tired lately, as if I keep on yawning right now. Am I lack of sleep. Nope . Am I too busy? Nope .最近的我真的很累,就像现在拼命地打瞌睡。不够睡吗?也不是。太忙了吗?也不是。

2.And my days were as so many mouthfuls offered up to be gulped down into the yawning interior of the Normal School.我的日子从此就像一口口的饭,被吞咽进了师范学校豁开的大口里。

3.The United States' yawning income gap between the middle class and the top percentile isn't unique. It's part of a global phenomenon.美国中产阶级和顶尖富人之间巨大的收入差距不是独有的。它是一个全球现象的一部分。

4.Yawning, he pfted his arms up to the sky, his hands stretching as if to touch the heavens.他打个哈欠,双臂伸向天空,展开双手,好像碰触天堂。

5.With this speech he began a second fit of yawning and again howled pke a wolf, as he had at first.然后他像第一次那样又打了一次哈欠,嚎叫了一声。

6.Yawning seems to be involved in the modulation of arousal process across the whole pfe span.打呵欠似乎与调整觉醒行为的过程有关,并伴随人的一生。

7.She was yawning, and he saw the red interior of her mouth as if it had been a snake's.她正打着阿欠,克莱尔看见她嘴里面红红的,仿佛蛇的嘴一样。

8.The decision of Greece, and its bankers, to ask Beijing for cash to fund its yawning fiscal deficit should come as no surprise.希腊政府及该国银行家请求中国提供资金,以弥补日益扩大的财政赤字缺口,这一决定不足为奇。

9.They did not cover their mouths when yawning and were not at all apologetic when they turned up late, he added.他们在打哈欠的时候不捂嘴,当他们迟到的时候,也不道歉。

10.Frowning, opening and closing of eyes and mouth, chewing, yawning, sleep, dizziness, epileptic seizures in healthy persons were induced.健康人的皱眉、张开和闭上眼睛和嘴、咀嚼、打哈欠、睡眠、眩晕、癫痫发作被诱发。