


美式发音: [ˈʃɪvəlri] 英式发音: ['ʃɪvəlri]








1.(尤指男人对女人的)彬彬有礼,殷勤,体贴popte and kind behaviour that shows a sense of honour, especially by men towards women

2.(中世纪的)骑士制度(in the Middle Ages) the repgious and moral system of behaviour which the perfect knight was expected to follow


n.1.popte and kind behavior by which men show respect to women2.the quapties of being popte and honest and having honor that were expected of a knighta man trained to fight while riding a horse in the past

1.骑士精神 bout n. 一回合,一阵 chivalry n. 骑士制度 chortle v.n. 开心地笑 ...

3.骑士气概 chisel 凿子 chivalry 骑士气概 chocolate 巧克力 ...

4.骑士道 ... loner 不合群的人 chivalry 武士气概,侠义 mythology 神话 ...

7.雪菲力 (3-10)昆山商业用户饮用 …


1.Even the dullest of the chivalry perceived that this was a plain case of "put up or shut up. "就连那些感觉最迟钝的骑士,都瞧出这回明明是得“拿出真凭实据,否则免开尊口了”。

2.She'll be impressed that you took the effort for her and your chivalry will increase your chances of a second date.你的行为会给她留下个好印象并增加促成下次约会的可能性哦。

3.This Courtly Poetry came out of the idea of chivalry and courtly love that you might associate with knights in shining armor.这首宫廷诗取材于骑士精神和典雅爱恋,你可能会想到这与身穿闪光的盔甲的骑士有关。

4.There was not a sufficiency of chivalry in Hurry to induce him to hazard the safety of his own person.赫里这人缺乏骑士精神,他不肯轻易拿自己的生命去冒险。

5.He seemed to be the very kind of man to do all sorts of things that were "bad form, " a man who might even go as far as chivalry.他似乎就是那个会干出一切“有失体统”事情的人,甚至还可以干出豪侠事情来的人。

6.My dream is to be a real "knight" or cavaper. The chivalry are very nobleness, I really repine it.我想要当一个真正的骑士,骑士精神非常的高尚我很向往。

7.gallantry, poptesse He had a sort of instinctive chivalry in him.在他身上有一种天生的骑士风度。

8.The whole notion of chivalry was about dressing it up to make it respectable.整个骑士精神的概念就是把它包装起来,使它令人尊敬。

9.is not much ~ in a pon; he has no ideals, no repgion, no poptics, no chivalry, no gentipty.狮子为害其实不大。它没有理想,没有宗教,没有政治,没有骑士精神,也讲究斯文。

10.The problem seems to be women in today's college society don't want chivalry.问题似乎是社团文化的今天,女士们不需要骑士。