


美式发音: [ˌkɔriˈɑɡrəfi] 英式发音: [ˌkɒriˈɒɡrəfi]



复数:choreographies  同义词

n.composition,step sequence,step arrangement,maneuvering,direction



1.(尤指芭蕾舞的)编舞艺术,舞蹈设计the art of designing and arranging the steps and movements in dances, especially in ballet ; the steps and movements in a particular ballet or show


n.1.<BrE>Same as choregraphy2.the art of planning a series of dance steps for a group of dancers to perform to a piece of music3.the dance steps that a group of dancers performs to a piece of music

1.编舞 23. broadcast 广播;宣传 25. choreography 舞蹈设计;编舞 26. circus 马戏团 ...

2.舞蹈编排 chord ? n. 和弦 choreography ? n. 舞蹈编排,舞蹈 chorus ? n. 合唱队 ...

3.舞蹈设计 broadcast 广播;宣传 4. choreography 舞蹈设计;编舞 6. circus 马戏团 7. ...

4.缤纷之舞 帮助 Help 《Choreography 缤纷之舞 》320 Anastasi-《Country Morning 乡村的早晨》32…

5.芭蕾舞舞蹈设计 ballet shoe 芭蕾舞鞋 choreography 芭蕾舞舞蹈设计 steps 舞步 ...

6.编导 go and see/ go sees/go-see 面试 8. choreography 编导 9. grouping 分组 10. ...


1.Unable to suppress their instinctive impulse to dance, the two members busted out in an imitation of each others choreography.无法抑制自己的本能冲动,舞蹈,捣毁了两名成员在彼此的舞蹈模仿。

2.'There is no controversy, no spat, ' she said, noting that the 'choreography' of the event was 'still to be finapzed. '她说,不存在争论,也没有争吵,并强调此次运动会的礼仪安排“仍未定下来”。

3.Though only nuances of the original choreography had been altered, I had never seen a ballerina look so spookily possessed by an evil spell.虽然与原版的编舞有些细小的改动,可我未曾见过女芭蕾舞演员被魔王的符咒迷惑得如此惊恐万状。

4.Choreography refers to a description of coordinated interactions between two or more parties.编排(Choreography)指的是对两者或两者以上参与方之间协调交互的描述。

5.And I get more fun out of my poetry than I did out of choreography.我在诗歌创作中找到的快乐要远比在编舞中找到的多得多。

6.In e-business dialogues, this concept of sequence and order is known as choreography or orchestration.在电子商务对话中,这种顺序和次序的概念称作choreography或chestration。

7.The aversion to choreography helps to explain why the singer-songwriter has abruptly changed style for her fourth album, Mi Plan.对编排厌恶有助于解释她的第四张专辑,糜计划为何创作歌手突然改变了风格。

8.He was more interested in the balletic choreography, which enhanced and revitapzed the swordplay sequences.他对芭蕾舞般的动作设计更感兴趣,因为这可以加强击剑的效果。

9.Business process flows can be supported by a choreography of these exposed services into composite apppcations.通过组合这些公开的服务到合成的应用程序,就可以支持业务过程流。

10.To understand roles and choreography, I want you to think of a movie script.为了理解角色和choreography,我希望您考虑一下电影脚本。