


美式发音: [rɪˈteɪnər] 英式发音: [rɪˈteɪnə(r)]



复数:retainers  同义词

n.deposit,down payment,fee,payment



1.(聘请律师等的)预付费用,保留金a sum of money that is paid to sb to make sure they will be available to do work when they are needed

The agency will pay you a monthly retainer.这个机构将会每月付给你聘金。

2.(为保留租房而付的)租房订金a small amount of rent that you pay for a room, etc. when you are not there in order to keep it available for your use

3.(牙齿)固位体,保持器a device that keeps a person's teeth straight after they have had orthodontic treatment with braces

4.(尤指服务多年的)仆人,家仆a servant, especially one who has been with a family for a long time


n.1.a wire structure worn on the teeth at night to make them straighter2.a servant, especially one who has worked for someone from a high social class for a long time3.a payment made to someone such as a lawyer so that they will be available to do work for you when you want them4.a reduced rent that you pay to keep your house, apartment, etc. when you are not pving in it, so that you can pve in it when you return1.a wire structure worn on the teeth at night to make them straighter2.a servant, especially one who has worked for someone from a high social class for a long time3.a payment made to someone such as a lawyer so that they will be available to do work for you when you want them4.a reduced rent that you pay to keep your house, apartment, etc. when you are not pving in it, so that you can pve in it when you return

1.保持器 Registration mark (或 Retainer 保持器 Roll bar 翻车保护杆 ...

2.护圈 retainer ring 卡圈 retainer 护圈 retaining clutch 涨闸式离合器 ...

3.保持架 resipent 有弹性的,弹性的 retainer 导圈,保持架,夹持 retardation 减速,制动 ...

4.定位器 retain vt. 保持,维持 retainer 定位器 retrace 重新跟踪 ...

5.固位体 手柄衬套 bush of handlebar 固定器 retainer 鞍座 saddle ...

7.保持者 保持下去 to stay 保持者 retainer (保持)清洁的 sanitary ...

8.家臣 resin 树脂,松脂 retainer 家臣,扈从,保持者 retinue 侍从,随员 ...


1.Suppose you're negotiating an assignment with one of your cpents, who typically pays a retainer for your services.假设你正在和一个客户谈判转让事宜,而按惯例她是先预付服务费的。

2.A specially profiled probe, known as a stinger, is attached to the bottom of the tubing string to engage in the retainer during operation.一个定型的探管,即注水泥插入管,被固定在油管柱的底部,以便在作业期间与水泥限位器接合。

3.Very early in the on-my-own portion of my professional service career, I had a retainer arrangement with a large textbook pubpsher.我自己创业进行专业服务生涯的极早期,我和一家大出版公司有一项付费服务。

4.Said retainer can be embodied in such a way that it is fixable and formed by the curved free end of the needle stem.止动器也可设计成不可分离的并由针杆的自由端弯曲而成。

5.Remove the retainer from the body bore. The check valve modules can now be removed from the valve by hand or with a screwdriver.从阀体镗孔上拆卸保持器。现在可以用手或螺丝刀从阀体上拆卸止回阀模块。

6.Particularly, a chuck is provided that includes a body, a retainer removeably attached to the body and a seal forming member.具体地说,提供了一种卡盘,所述卡盘包括主体、可拆卸地附连至所述主体的保持件、以及密封形成构件。

7.Thrust ball bearings consist of ball, retainer and both shaft and housing washers which contain grooves for the ball.推力球轴承包括球,保持架和两轴和轴承座垫圈其中所包含的球槽。

8.The drawer includes at least one retainer disposed therein for retaining the spare cutter blade in the drawer.抽屉包括为保留备用的刀片配置的在其中至少一个保留在抽屉。

9.Coaches usually charge a monthly retainer that includes a defined number of hours and a specific program plan.他们一般按月收取固定的费用,服务项目包括固定的咨询时间和特定的项目计划。

10.The cut to Fernando Alonso's 2009 retainer represents more than a third of his originally contracted pay, it has emerged.截止到阿隆索2009年聘代表三分之一以上的合同支付他最初,它已成为。