




1.号是圣诞节就是这个样子.看来大家都搞不懂双手指是什麽意思呢. D:老师!我是第一次写信给你,你好!不过我说来 …


3.圣诞卡圣诞卡 (Chrismas)


1.Tom, I have to tell you that I found Michael kinda made a pass at your wife in the Chrismas party. Don't tell him I told you this.汤姆,我必须得告诉你一件事,我在上次的圣诞晚会上发现迈克尔有点挑逗你老婆的意思。别告诉他是我跟你说的啊。

2.Kevin told me this morning that if I made wishes in front of the Chrismas tree Santa Claus would offer me a chance.凯文告诉我说如果我在圣诞树前面许愿的话,圣诞老人就会给我一个机会。

3.You could't pay her to send a chrismas card much less visit.你都不肯付钱让她发个圣诞节贺卡过来,更别说你亲自来拜访了。

4.At least 1500 children from low-income famipes, who were given presents in a Chrismas charity campaign, sit on a sidewalk in Sao Paolo.至少一千五百名低收入户儿童坐在圣保罗人行道上,接受圣诞慈善活动所给的礼物。

5.How---How can I invite her to dance in the Chrismas party?圣诞晚会上我怎么才能邀请她和我跳舞?

6.Chrismas trees are made of evergreen tree pke Fir trees and they represent the long pves.圣诞树普通是用杉柏之类地常绿树做成,意味生命长存。

7.Chrismas Day again! It reminds me of my friends Nicole, Simon, Ann and Andy.又到圣诞!我想起了我的朋友尼科尔、萨门、安和安迪。

8.Of that year was creeping upon us unawares. We planned to have a Chrismas party.很快,那一年的圣诞在不知不觉中来临。我们计划开一个圣诞晚会。

9.When we finally got around to buying the Chrismas cards, it was too late. The shops were all sold out.当我们最后考虑到要买圣诞卡的时候,已经太晚了,各商店都已卖光了。

10.Happy Chrismas! he said.他说:圣诞快乐!