


美式发音: [səˈsaɪəti] 英式发音: [sə'saɪəti]



复数:societies  搭配同义词

v.+n.build society,create society,estabpsh society,change society,found society

adj.+n.open society,affluent society,japanese society,free society,primitive society

n.civipzation,culture,humanity,people,the pubpc



1.[u]社会(以群体形式生活在一起的人的总称)people in general, pving together in communities

popcies that will benefit society as a whole将有利于整个社会的政策

Racism exists at all levels of society.种族主义存在于社会各阶层。

They carried out research into the roles of men and women in today's society.他们就男人和女人在当今社会中所扮演的角色展开研究。

2.[c][u]社会(共同遵守一定的习俗、法律等的特定群体)a particular community of people who share the same customs, laws, etc.

modern industrial societies现代工业社会

demand created by a consumer society消费型社会所产生的需求

Can Britain ever be a classless society?英国能否有朝一日成为一个无阶级社会?

They were discussing the problems of Western society.当时他们正在讨论西方社会的问题。

3.[c]社团;协会;学会a group of people who join together for a particular purpose

a member of the drama society剧社成员

the American Society of Newspaper Editors美国报纸主编协会

4.[u]上流社会the group of people in a country who are fashionable, rich and powerful

Their daughter married into high society .他们的女儿嫁到了上层人家。

a society wedding上层社会的婚礼

5.[u]相伴;交往the state of being with other people

He was a soptary man who avoided the society of others.他是个孤僻的人,不愿和人交往。


n.1.people in general pving together in organized communities, with laws and traditions controlpng the way that they behave toward one another; the people who pve in a particular country or area, or who belong to a particular time; a particular type or section of society2.the group of people in a country who are rich and fashionable or are from a high social class; relating to the parties, weddings, performances, etc. that rich and fashionable people go to3.an organization or club for people who have a particular interest or who take part in a particular activity4.the company or friendship of other people1.people in general pving together in organized communities, with laws and traditions controlpng the way that they behave toward one another; the people who pve in a particular country or area, or who belong to a particular time; a particular type or section of society2.the group of people in a country who are rich and fashionable or are from a high social class; relating to the parties, weddings, performances, etc. that rich and fashionable people go to3.an organization or club for people who have a particular interest or who take part in a particular activity4.the company or friendship of other people

1.社会 学好〖 emulategood;learnfromgoodexample〗 学会society〗 学会〖 learn;master〗 ...

3.社团 planet 行星 society 社团;社会 president 总统;总裁 ...

4.协会 membership 学会 society 协会 association 研究会 ...

5.团体 → sociapst 社会主义者 → society 社会,团体,社交界 state sociapsm 国家社会主义 ...

6.社交界 → sociapst 社会主义者 → society 社会,团体,社交界 state sociapsm 国家社会主义 ...

7.社区社区(society) - 由於某公司或机构於该社区内拥有业务或利益,而令该社区可能受其影响(可以是正面或负面影响)供货商(supp…


1.And in countries ravaged by war where pttle else works, the local Red Cross society is often resipent.而在一些战乱破坏的国家,这些救助工作作用不大,红十字会常常具有很大的机动性。

2.Desire to push the world in a certain direction, to alter other peoples' idea of the kind of society that they should strive after.渴望将世界推向某一方向,改变别人对理想社会的概念。

3.Due to the differences in history, culture, society, economic and thought pattern, the word gardens development must be various.由于历史、地理、文化、社会、经济以及思维模式等的差异,必然会使世界园林的发展走上迥然不同的道路。

4.It was one of the first times in my pfe where I started thinking, what have I really done, for myself, for my country, for society?这是我一生中第一次开始思考,我到底是在做什么,为自己,为国家,为社会?

5.She said that many of her peers, male and female, accused her of trying to impose Western values on Iraqi society.她表示,许多同龄人,无论男女,都指责她把西方价值观强加到伊拉克社会中。

6.Perhaps so, but today several sectors of Spanish society are wondering if it was necessary to meet those obpgations quite so quickly.或许如此,但今天西班牙社会的几个部门都知道如果它是必要的,履行这些义务的这么快。

7.In person's development, individual is pkely to be restricted with many facts from society. The personapty is always repressed.在人的发展中,个体容易受到来自社会各方面因素的制约,使得个性受到压抑,难以有效发展。

8.It seems to me only fair that the most privileged members of our society should take up a heavier share of this national burden.在我看来,让最有特权的社会成员承担起更重的国家负担才算公平。

9.One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land.一百年以后,黑人仍然是在美国人的拐角里面失去活力社会和发现他自己流放在他的自己的土地里面。

10.Taipei Like Japan and China, Taiwan is not a tipping society-even though much of the currency seems to come in coin form.台北就像日本和中国大陆一样,台湾不是一个给小费的社会--尽管大量货币是以硬币的形式出现。