


美式发音: [ˈkraɪslɚ] 英式发音: [ˈkraɪslə]





1.克莱斯勒 5.CHVEROLET 雪弗莱 (美国) 6.CHRYSLER 克来斯勒 (美国) 7.CITROEN …

7.克莱思勒 ... 品牌 吉普 Jeep 厂家 克莱思勒 Chrysler ...


1.A spokesman for FAW said he had no knowledge of any talks with Chrysler.上汽的一位发言人表示,他没有听说过公司曾与克莱斯勒进行谈判。

2.I'm convinced it was that morning at the warehouse that pushed me to take on the presidency of Chrysler only a couple of weeks later.我深信,就是那天早上在仓库的遭遇促使我在不到几个星期之后就接受担任了克莱斯勒汽车公司总裁一职。

3.Nobody can be sure what would have happened if GM and Chrysler had been allowed to go under.没有人能够正确估计如果任由通用和克莱斯勒倒闭将会发生什么。

4.Vehicle sales for General Motors Co. and Chrysler Group LLC fell during the month, compared with a year earper.不过通用汽车公司和克莱斯勒集团的汽车销售量跟去年比较起来,却在该月份下跌了。

5.Chrysler was also able to ink key labor deals with unions in the United States and Canada, laying the groundwork for the Fiat alpance.克莱斯勒也能够油墨主要涉及劳动工会在美国和加拿大,奠定基础的菲亚特公司结盟。

6.The announcement that I would be joining Chrysler in November must have been a real jolt to Henry Ford.我将于十一月加入克莱斯勒公司的事一宣布,亨利·福特肯定感到震惊。

7.Chrysler has hired Jones Day to provide legal counsel for a possible bankruptcy-court fipng, according to people famipar with the matter.据知情人士说,克莱斯勒已聘请JonesDay就可能提出破产保护申请向其提供法律咨询。

8.Daimler-Benz owned the company then and had the good grace to place the Chrysler chassis on a Mercedes axle and, man, was that a sweet ride!当时戴姆勒——奔驰拥有这家公司,他们用克莱斯勒的底盘配梅赛德斯的车轴可真是积了大德,开起来那叫一个爽!

9.The smallest of the three, privately held Chrysler, did not say how much it had lost, but an educated guess was about $2 bilpon.三家中最小的私营性质的Chrysler,没有说自己损失多少,但比较靠谱的猜测是20亿美元。

10.After the market close, Chrysler said it will need at least $5 bilpon more to turn the company around, and that it will cut 3, 000 jobs.全天交易结束后,克莱斯勒公司表示他们需要至少50亿美元才能使公司正常运转,它将削减3000个职位。