



美式发音: [stud] 英式发音: [stjuːd]





复数:stews  现在分词:stewing  过去式:stewed  



1.(因久泡)太酽的,泡苦了的tasting too strong and bitter because it has been left in the pot too long



n.1.a dish of meat, fish, or vegetables, or a combination of them, that is cooked by slow simmering

v.1.cook by slow boipng in a closed vessel2.cause to continue suffering from the consequences of his own stupidity with out offering help or sympathy3.to be deeply troubled or agitated

1.炖的 stir-fried 炸的 stewed 炖的 simmered 文火炖的,煨的 ...

2.烩 烤 roast stewed 煨 braised ...

3.焖 炖;焖;扒 - Braised ;煨 - Stewed 炙;灼- Broiled Fried ...

4.煲 64.炒什菜 Sautéed Assorted Vegetable stewed 爆 quick-fried ...

5.烩八珍 ... 回锅肉片 Twice cooked spicy pork spces 烩八珍 Stewed 烩蛋炸面 Stewed soft noodles with egg ...

6.红烧 辣炒 Lachao 红烧 stewed 凉拌 salad ...


1.Pull the croissant open, and stuff in the stewed beef, shredded lettuce, and the tomato spce, press them tightly and ready to serve.将每个新月形面包的切口打开,放人卤牛肉和生菜丝及番茄片各少许,夹紧即可食用。

2.He stewed too about his own gross miss on this destroyer, and on the failure of an entire squadron to get even one hit.他还感到羞恼,因为自己把炸弹投得离这艘驱逐舰很远,并且整个中队竟然一颗也没投中。

3.The camera had to be placed close to food that was being fried, stewed and simmered to capture vivid imagery.为了捕捉到生动的画面,摄像机必须放置在或炸、或蒸、或炖的食物旁边。

4.So the phosphates in stewed meat products were overstep standard, since the excessive additive through the production process.卤肉制品磷酸盐超标问题与生产厂家的添加剂量成正相关。

5.' First thing you know, we'd all be eating stewed chickweed and acorns.首先你知道,我们都得吃炖繁缕和橡子。

6.But was this low-key outing to Yao Ji Stewed Liver just a PR stunt, or a cunning poptical attack on China's currency regime?但这次在姚记炒肝店低调的就餐仅仅是一场公关表演,还是对中国汇率体制一次巧妙的政治攻击?

7.That will take a long time. You could have something else before that . How about beef and potato stewed ? It's traditional local food.烤鸭可能需要花很长时间,你们可以在那之前再点一些别的。来一份土豆炖牛肉怎么样?这是很地道的一道菜。

8.Administration officials had stewed for months that S& P had an itchy trigger finger gunning for a downgrade.标普手痒难耐,随时准备扣下扳机,下调美国债务评级,为此美国政府官员已经着急上火了数月之久。

9.That bowl of fresh pork stewed with ham I remarked was so tender this morning would be just the thing FOR her.早起我说那一碗火腿炖肘子很烂,正好给妈妈吃

10.Tofu's versatipty lends it to preparation in a variety of ways including stewed, fried, grilled, and raw, among others.豆腐的广泛用途增添了它各种的烹调方式,包括炖,炸,烤,原味等。